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Lockwood Mansion (Backyard)


Tyler groaned in frustration as he pushed himself up from the ground.

They always train early in the morning at six. This time, they were at Tyler's backyard.

After rolling his shoulders, earning satisfying
cracks from both of them, he advanced towards Amelia again, hands and arms raised to defend his upper body. The yard grew eerily quiet as they circled each other, both waiting for the other to strike first.

When she didn't throw the first hit, he tried swinging one at her face, only for her to dodge and sidestep out of sight.

In return, Tyler felt her fist colliding with his side hard, but it only made him grow a little bit more annoyed than he already was.

Amelia wore an obnoxious grin when she spun around to face him. "Getting angry yet?"

"What do you think?" He growled and aimed to tackle her to the ground. But instead of toppling him over, he only felt his arms around his waist as she reversed the action, holding him in a submission hold with his back pressed flush against her chest.

Tyler clawed at her arms, attempting to pry them away from him, but they wouldn't budge.

"Really?" Amelia's breathe fanned against his neck as he only tightened her grip, "You'll have to do better then that, Babe."

"Oh yeah, how about this then!" Tyler channels his wolf and bites Amelia on the arm, causing her to grunt in pain. He then elbowed her hard in the face and spun around and kicked her, sending her flying.

But that was not all.

Just after Amelia recovered in the air, landing on her feet, before she realized it, Tyler ran on all fours and tackled her to the ground while channeling the wolf at will.

He straddled her legs, pins her arms above her hands with his strong arms. "Satisfied?" He asked through gritted teeth while he tried keeping his anger in control.

"Not bad. You used my own move against me." She breathily said.

Before she could fight back, Tyler's lips were on hers, kissing her deeply and erased every thought from her mind.

Mid-kiss, he loosened his grip on Amelia's
hands to snake his arm underneath her, while she wrapped hers around his neck to press their bodies closer together.

Although they were making out in the backyard in broad daylight, and that they were both sweaty from the sparring session a few moments ago, she breathlessly kissed him back and even had the nerve to wrap her legs around his waist.

But before they could go further, they heard Carol calling out Tyler's name. Though Amelia's boyfriend's mom didn't see them as she must have looked within her son's room.

"Ok, as much as I want to make out with you, we don't wanna give your mom a headache about this." Amelia told him, though she admit, it would have been funny if she flipped out that they were making out where someone might see them.

"Oh come on, it's hot." Tyler complained.

"Another time. It's Caroline's birthday and I gotta find a gift for her." Amelia rolled herself and Tyler, where she's on top and he's on the bottom. "So let's get ready. Me and you are gonna bring the Italian food to her house. And thanks to you and I, it's looking helluva

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