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Hale House

Tyler and Amelia arrived in Mystic Falls just in time. They arrived at 9:00pm, which they stopped along the way to get something to eat. She dropped Tyler at his house and then she went to text her friends that she's back. And that they'll see each other in the morning.

Andrew came and greeted her and when asked what Andreas had to say about Klaus, he revealed very little, but that they should ask Elijah since he knows him.

Meantime, Desmond tells Amelia that Matt knows that Caroline is a vampire and that he's questioning everything. He doesn't know about werewolves yet. Though there's no doubt that Matt will eventually.

She knows somethings about Klaus, but she doesn't know what her grandfather meant when he said that Klaus is something else entirely. And not just an Original Vampire. And the only who would know is Elijah.

Tomorrow, after school, she'll ask about Klaus. Hopefully his knowledge on this particular vampire will be more coherent then her granddad's.


Mystic Falls High School

Amelia, Tyler, Desmond, Stefan, Elena and Bonnie arrived in school. On the way, the former told them what her grandfather told her. Ask Elijah.

And of course, they won't do it. They all have different class and Tyler and Amelia kissed before getting to class.

Everyone sits down in their seats before class starts. Elena takes the poster for the 60s decade dance out of her bag and shows it to Stefan with a smile. He shakes his head in disapproval. Then, she shows it to Bonnie. She nods her head. Elena looks back at Stefan. Alaric arrives.

"Hello, class. What are we learning today?" Alaric asked.

Dana, one of the classmates replied. "With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week."

"Right. The sixties." He sees Elena. He looks at her for a while and turns to the board. Amelia noticed the way how Ric looked at Elena, which she kinda found it odd.

"The, uh, ahem..." He writes on the board. "The sixties. I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but...Actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the...we walked on the moon. There was Watergate."

Amelia was wondering what was up with Alaric. He should know that watergates was in the seventies. Not the sixties.

"Watergate was the seventies, Ric. I-I mean, Mr. Saltzman." Elena voiced her thoughts as well.

"Right. It all kind of mushes together up here, the sixties, seventies. Thank you, Elena."

'Something is up here.' Amelia thought as much. As


Amelia is a little unsettled. It started in that classroom with Ric. She has a weird feeling about him. Like he's not himself.

She went to go find Elena and Bonnie, which dish n't take her long. She saw Jeremy there to and left without saying hi.

The two start laughing about something when they noticed Amelia. "Hey, how was the trip?" Elena asked first.

"Long. But I learned that my great grandfather was aided by Klaus in killing some vampire Nazi. Why he would do that, that's beyond me. That and he confirmed with Rose said about him being our worst nightmare. He's even known as the great evil."

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