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Amelia's POV

What Klaus is doing his noble, but he should at the least day goodbye to his family before he ends his life along with The Hollow.

I'm glad Hope is ok. But still, she shouldn't have to be given the news that her father just died saving her, and that he did it because he knew his family would stop him. This vow of theirs: 'Always & Forever.' I swear it had been an issue for The Mikaelsons for that least ten centuries. Even if the world was at stake, they want an easy way out of this. But when one of them does try to give his life for them and everyone else, they tried to stop him.

For Klaus, he's ending his life along with The Hollow, to spare the world from having to deal with her in the near future.

As we arrived, Klaus is already in a salt barrier.  With Elijah there trying to talk him out of not ending his life as he has the last of The White Oak Stake in hand.

"Niklaus. Don't." But Klaus refused. "Put it down."

"Walk away, Elijah. You shouldn't be here for this." Klaus tells him.

"Klaus, please. Put it down and let's talk." Hayley tries her luck.

"There's nothing left to say, Hayley. I'm saving our daughter." Klaus tells her. "It's time to end this chapter, get rid of the dark magic once and for all."

"Dad?" Hope came in after hearing her dad and she was done getting dressed. "What's going on here?"

"Klaus, you need to tell her." I told him.

"Get her out of here. All of you." Klaus replied to them in a low tone. He doesn't want to do this. But has to.

"Your death is not the answer."

After hearing those words from Elijah, Hope asked. "Death? Wh-What are you talking about?"

I hear Tyler sighs. "Hope." She turns to Lockwood. "The Hollow is inside him." He reveals to her and she looks at her dad in shock.

"They put it into you. But you told me that they put it into something safe, and instead, you use
my first transition to trick me. So what happens, you just kill yourself and the magic goes away?" She then looks to Elijah. "And you're gonna let him go through with this?"

Klaus snaps at her before Elijah could speak. "I don't need his permission to save your life!"

"Come back with me to New Orleans, Niklaus. We'll find another way."

"We all know that's not gonna happen." Klaus responded to Elijah. He looks to Hope, a single tear running down his cheek. If only there was a way for them to be together. But not this time. "I'm sorry, Hope. I've made my decision."

Before Klaus could even use the last of The White Oak Stake to end his life along with the dark magic within him, Hope stops him at the last moment. "And l've made mine." She uses a sleep spell and falls on the ground.


Third Person's POV

The Abattoir (Underground)

Amelia knew how much the family loves Klaus. And all. But even she knew that they're delaying the inevitable. Klaus is dying and they're only prolonging his agony.

Though in fairness, Amelia believes Klaus should spend his last moments with his family.

She and Hayley can only look on as they restrain him. "I can't believe it was my line that started that."

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