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St. Anne's Church

Tyler waited in the shadows, like a lurking wolf ready to launch at his prey. The vampires coming into the church didn't even noticed him. And once all of them, among them being Greta or Josh, the other wolves in league with The Crescents have discreetly made their way inside the church. For apparently Tyler's roar was heard by them and they were told by him on what they did to Hayley and thus are ready to make them pay.

Greta didn't noticed Tyler as she looks around and doesn't see him. "The king has spoken, and we all come running."

Josh's arms are crossed. "Yeah, well, he said he had news about Klaus. Personally, I'd like a front row seat for this one."

Marcel opens the door and he walks past the vampires and when he reaches the platform, he sits and speaks. "All right. Now, I know that most of you feel that I have been mistaken in some of my decisions lately. You feel that I've been living in the past, in the days when I was king, calling the shots, and my word was law. And I have to admit... you're right. I wanted to rule through trust, and through goodwill and consent. But as I said, I made a mistake. I lost control of you, but... no more. Until I can trust all of you to fall in line, and until Hayley Marshall and Amelia Lockwood  are found, I am changing the rules. First, I'm restricting your movements. No more daylight rings."

Josh looks down ashamed. He thought Marcel was gonna do something about Klaus, but turns out it's about him.

One of vampires was enraged by that. "You have no right to do that. You're not one of us anymore." Klaus decapitates the outspoken vampire. And the werewolves, among them Hank, Jordan, Jaden, Desmond, Tyler and Hunter enter, all their eyes showing and their growls can be heard, all surrounding the vampires, with Tyler and Desmond walking up besides Marcel.

"That's right. We're not." Klaus said as he joins them.

"What we are... is in charge. Break the rules, defy our orders, no more head garden. Just your head." Marcel said in a low tone.

"Any questions?" Klaus asked.

"Because if not, I'd like to make an important announcement." Tyler spoke to them directly. His eyes burning into Greta. 'Yeah, keep smirking bitch. That's gonna fall apart when I get my hands on you.' "You already know who I am. What I am. I know words can travel fast. So I'll make this quick. We know which group took Amelia and Hayley. They call themselves The Nightwalkers. Nazi Vampires that have no love for none vampires, especially werewolves and hybrids. Or as they like to call them "half-breeds, cross-breeds, FREAKS!!"" His voices boomed across the church and the wolves felt his anger like it was their own. "And my personal favourite, "Mutt."" And as Tyler walks to them, the fear in their faces, save Greta, is shown. "This was found on wall where used to be." Tyler shows them the picture of the wall that has words written in blood. ""Freak", "Filth", and "Crossbreed" "The Wolf Bitch and her Crossbreed Ancestor"."

Josh sees the writing and to say he was horrified is an understatement. He can't believe this is what they did.

"This is what Nightwalkers do. They're the real animals." Desmond spoke. "And if their anything like militant Neo Nazis or KKKs, then they're the real threat here."

"And Greta here," Tyler holds up something else. Something the vampire left behind, "left this." A coin. "Now one good look at this and it almost matches the symbol all Nazi's use. But it's different." The vampires look at the red haired women. Who only reacts with a smirk. Shaking her head. But the vampires, only five stood with her. "You're going to have a bad night. You can save yourself and your circle of friends just by talking. Where's Hayley? Where's my wife?" Greta doesn't say a word. "If you wanted the hard way, you should have said so."

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