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Salvatore Boarding School (Office)

Amelia, Tyler, Hayley, Bonnie, Jordan and Caroline are with Ric in the office. The latter is angry because Klaus came to Mystic Falls and was near his daughters no less.

Before they talk, Caroline takes the crossbow from Tyler and glares at Saltzmen, as does Amelia. "I'm confiscating this. Forever."

"Yes, please do, Care, because apparently Ric loves to think with his crossbow and not with his head." Amelia added.

"Fine. It's only for the security of the school, but apparently that's a thing of the past, since you guys just invited Voldemort to campus." Alaric compared Klaus to a fictional villain.

"Ric, you guys started this school to protect these kids. My own are among them and so is Hope. Right now, she's in trouble. You can't just
turn your back on her because of what her father did many years ago." Amelia told Ric. Showing Hayley and everyone in this room that she too cares for Hope.

"He still clouds your judgment."

"What the hell are you talking about, Ric?" Amelia asked him.

"I am talking about Klaus Mikaelson. A cockroach of a creature who wrought havoc on this Earth for 1,000 years and can never be stamped out, ever. And you contributed to that when you made him the apex predator. And you just want to give him more evil power?"

Tyler came to Amelia's defence. "We couldn't take on Lucian. Only on a full moon, which we couldn't wait for because he was having help from the ancestor witches. And she didn't do it to save The Mikaelsons, she did because one, she owed Elijah. Two, we thought Caroline, Enzo, Stefan and Damon were tied to Klaus' life force. So we had to act. So before you accuse my wife of endangering every single life on earth, you might wanna tone it down a notch and listen to what we have to say, before your try and get yourself killed."

Hayley can only smirk on how Tyler defends his wife.

"Alaric, he can't wield it. None of us can." Amelia explains. "The power is Inadu's alone. Only she can wield it without dying. And Hope is dying. And if we don't do something about it, Klaus' presences in Mystic Falls will be the least of your problems."

"Alaric, I've seen what she can do and what she did to Hope. What she's doing to her now, I can't lose my little girl." Hayley pleaded for him to help.

Alaric takes a breathe and says. "Guys, I... I know all of your intentions are good. And I want to help Hope, of course I do. But we can't call another witch? Use one of the teachers?" He then looks at their Bennett Witch. "Bonnie?"

"This isn't something I can do, Ric. And I can't put her in one of the prison worlds because she can still use her magic even in spirit form. She'll find a loophole and exploit it. And I'm still trying to figure out these psychic powers and we don't have that kinda time." Bonnie explained.

"Our girls can, Ric. And then you can pop a bottle of champagne and watch him sink to the bottom of the Atlantic. Everyone wins."

Amelia and Tyler looked at each other, knowing that Klaus isn't going to be sinking into the ocean.

"Yeah, and how many times have we tried to sink him to the bottom of the ocean?" Alaric asked, not convinced.

"He's a willing participant this time." Caroline told him.

"All right, fine, let's just pretend, for one insane moment, that you have reason enough to believe that that's true now. You think that's gonna stick? The ocean isn't big enough to hold him down, Care." After saying that, the saw Klaus at the doorway. And Saltzmen was about to go for his crossbow, but Hayley blocked him.

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