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Mystic Falls High School

Amelia and Tyler are in the hallways about to go find Desmond and Caroline. When all the sudden the two caught the scent something.

Or someone. This someone smelled of both werewolf and vampire.

As they both sniffed the air, the two wolves picked it up and realize who it is. Amelia looked at Tyler. "We gotta warn the others!"


Caroline and Desmond are in the hallway. She's putting honey on the lockers, while he kisses her shoulder and head from behind.

Caroline's been thinking about Matt lately. "Do you think Matt's going to be okay?"

Desmond raised an eye brow. "I'm kissing you and you're wondering about your ex-boyfriend?"

Caroline scoffs and says. "I'm asking you if you think our friend, who we both love, is okay."

"I think he probably doesn't have a lot of people to talk to anymore. I think he's struggling more than he lets on. I think that I love how big your heart is. And if it makes feel better, I'll talk to him." She smiles. "You worry too much."

Caroline knew he was right. "I know. Sorry. I just want this school year to be great, you know? I just want everyone to be happy. Even in the midst of all the crazy unhappy bits."

"I'm happy. So is Elena, Bonnie, Amelia, Tyler, Hunter and Danielle. And you should be too." They both kiss. And five seconds later, they hear running. They turn to the source of the sound and see Tyler and Amelia running towards them with worried expressions on their faces. "What's up?"

"Klaus is here." Tyler told them both. Causing both Desmond and Caroline to be wide eyed. But before they asked where he is, a blonde women with blue eyes appears.

"You four are adorable." She looks at Amelia. "So you're that werewolf girl Nik's been bragging about."

'Nik? Who's he? And who is she?'

"Uh, do we know you?"

"You're Caroline, Elena's friend, which makes you Tyler. The werewolf. Along with Amelia and Desmond. Also werewolves."

Caroline walks between Tyler, Amelia, Desmond and this mystery girl. But her boyfriend grabs her arms as his sense of smell can tell this is no ordinary vampire. He puts himself between Caroline and this vampire. "You're an Original Vampire, are you?"

She smiles wickedly. "Such a clever boy." She vamps out.

Knocks out Caroline and Desmond. But brings both Amelia and Tyler, grabbing them by the back of their necks. "What do you want with us?!" Tyler asked.

"It's not what I want, handsome. It's what my brother wants."

And then it hit Amelia. "You're Klaus' sister, aren't you?"

"Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure."

Soon enough both can hear another voice. One that Amelia knows all too well.


"Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix." After saying that, Rebekah enters with Tyler."

"Get off of me! Let her go!"  Tyler demanded

"Hush now." Rebekah tells him. Hunter, Danielle, Elena, Matt and Bonnie are there. The former wants to attack but Danielle holds him back, as she's aware that they're no match for Klaus.

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