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Hale House (May 1, 2010)

2 days after Klaus broke his curse

Amelia's POV

It had only been a day since we had to bury at least three people. My grandfather. Elena's and Jeremy's aunt. Elena's dad.

Two days since Klaus broke his curse and became The True Hybrid.

My dad reports that there's been an animal attack. The bite marks belong to a wolf.

It's Klaus.

Like me and the rest of the pack, he can remain in wolf form for as long as he wants. Change as will as well. Though I wonder what else he can do as a Hybrid now.

Regardless, I've decided to visit Elena and Jeremy, to see how they're doing.

I text Elena that I'm coming. Figure she could use a bestie right now.

 Figure she could use a bestie right now

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Minus the gloves and ears

I put on a black tank top that had all the moon cycles on it. Ripped jeans and black leather shoes. Just as I head out the house and close the door, I turned and Klaus is right in front of me.

He smelled like dirt and grass, and... death. I can tell his scent change. He's a Hybrid now.

Behind him is Elijah.

"Well, Amelia, I want to say you're very fortunate to be alive. Your grandfather would rather kill a thousand people then let his own granddaughter be a sacrifice."

Crossing my arms. "And now you got what you wanted. You're a true hybrid now. Yippee for you. Now are gonna leave Mystic Falls or is there something else you wanted to tell me?"

I can tell Elijah was slightly worried for me. Judging from what he told me about his brother, he's got one nasty temper.

He merely approached me, trying to see if I'm afraid of him. But I stand my ground.

"You're an interesting one, Amelia. Most people would cower before me because I have the power to make people afraid. Yet you show me no fear."

"My dad taught to control my fear." I replied.

"I can see that. Dare I ask where you might be heading?"

I gotta control my heart rate or he'll know that I'm lying. So I controlled my breathing, my heart rate and then I looked him in the eye and said. "Jeremy said he could use the company. He just lost an Aunt and sister. Thanks to you." I harshly replied. I mean really? Out of anyone he could have turned, he choose to make Elena's aunt a vampire? After she did what he asked and not run?

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