Okita Sougo x Reader: The 'I-Wanna-Kiss-You' Kind of Love

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(F/N) had known Sougo for as long as she could remember.

It had all started long before she was born—her mother was friends with Okita's mother, and when his parents passed away, hers decided to keep an eye on him and Mitsuba, just to make sure they were okay. (F/N) spent many an afternoon tussling with Okita on the floor, playing games, and screaming when he pulled her hair. They were fond memories, but growing vague with age. (F/N) remembered few specifics of their early friendship. There was the time she roped him into playing dress-up, the time they climbed to the top of the tree in the backyard, and their first trip to Kondo's dojo, but her clearest memory was something completely different—a strange conversation they had when she was only five years old.

"Hey, Sougo-kun," she said, lying on her belly in his room with a magazine in hand, "I had an interesting conversation with Mitsuba-nee-san the other day. Do you want to know what it was?"

"I bet you were just talking about stupid girly things again," he muttered.

"N—no we weren't!" (F/N) snapped, face flushing bright pink. "Okay, fine, maybe we were, but it was super cool, I promise!"

He ignored her, and she crawled onto his bed, bouncing up and down to get his attention.

"She was reading a book to me," (F/N) explained, earning a scowl, "and at the end, the main characters kiss! They both seemed really happy, and I wanna be that happy, too, so I asked Mitsuba-nee how you know when it's the I-wanna-kiss-you kind of love! She didn't really have an answer, but she said you feel all tingly in your chest, you're really happy when you're with the person, your heart beats fast when you see them, and you think about them all the time, and stuff like that!"

"And?" Okita muttered, glancing at her over his book. "What's the point?"

"The point?" (F/N) echoed. "The point is, I wanna tell you—"

"(F/N)!" her mother called from downstairs. "We need to leave now!"

"Five more minutes!" (F/N) pleaded. "I'm in the middle of something important!"

"If I give you five more minutes, we'll be here all day! Now get down here right now!"

(F/N) stuck out her lip, and muttered her goodbyes to Sougo before trudging downstairs.

A few hours later, she'd forgotten all about her supposed I-wanna-kiss-you feelings for her best friend.


It wasn't until many years later that (F/N) remembered that conversation, and realized exactly how horrifying it would've been if she'd actually said those words out loud. Every night when she was trying to sleep, her brain would provide her with that memory on a silver platter, and her face would light up with embarrassment for the next half-hour. Her only solace was that chances were, Sougo didn't remember that conversation at all.

Years passed, and (F/N), now ten years old, was hurrying to the dojo. Sougo had gone ahead, saying he didn't want to have to put up with her 'short, stubby legs.' (F/N) pouted, puffing out her cheeks. She didn't think they were that short. Why did he have to be so mean?

It was as she was stalking down the street, plotting the best way to beat the crap out of her best friend, that she noticed a young girl sitting by the road. She had her head in her hands, shoulders shaking as she sobbed quietly. (F/N) stopped, hesitating a moment before rushing over, and putting a hand on the young girl's shoulder.

"Hey," she said, "are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Some boys took my doll away," the girl sobbed. "I asked them to give her back, but they didn't, and when I tried to take it from them, they pushed me into the mud!"

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