Sakamoto Tatsuma x Reader: Just Ask

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During the few months (F/N) had been working for the Kaientai, she'd seen her captain do many strange things. This, however, was by far the strangest.

"Captain, sir, why are you following me?"

Sakamoto flashed a grin. "Ahahaha! I'm not following you!"

"I'm not doing anything interesting," (F/N) continued, setting a box down and turning to get another. "I'm just loading cargo, and anyway, shouldn't you be working?"

"Ahahaha! I'm on my break!"

"For the past two hours?"

She retrieved the next box from outside, and lugged it inside. On the way, she noticed Mutsu with a clipboard, checking the cargo. At the sight of the brown-haired woman, (F/N)'s face lit up.

"Perfect!" She shoved the box into Sakamoto's arms. "Hold this. Mutsu-san!"

Mutsu turned at the sound of her name, only to have (F/N) throw her arms around her neck.

"Mutsu-san, help me! The Captain keeps following me around, and I don't know what to do!"

"That idiot?" Mutsu sighed. "Just ignore him. Actually, punch him. If you do that, there's a chance he'll get back to work."

(F/N) stepped back. "Punch him? I can't do that to my captain!"

"Whatever you do, be firm. He won't notice if you beat around the bush." She turned to the mountain of boxes. "Anyway, we need to get back to work."


Pouting, (F/N) returned to her boss, who'd been staring intently at her the entire conversation.

"Thanks," she muttered, taking the box from him and putting it on the stack with the rest of them.

"No problem! Ahahaha! Anyway, what was that about?"

"Nothing..." she lied. "Now, Captain, could you please—"

Just as (F/N) was turning to face him, she slipped.

She let out a short scream, and threw her arms around the closest thing to her.

That just happened to be Sakamoto.

As she was processing what happened, Sakamoto put his arms around her, giving her a squeeze before letting go, and helping her find her balance.

"Be careful," he warmed, an enormous grin on his face. "Anyway, I'd better get to work before Mutsu kills me, ahahahaha!"

Then he sauntered off, leaving (F/N) to watch his retreating back with a frown.

"Is it just me, or does he seem rather pleased?"


A week later, he was doing it again—following her around with no explanation whatsoever. (F/N) was on a break, watching the stars and planets go by from one of the ship's windows. Sakamoto, of course, stood next to her, oblivious to how exasperated she was.

"Captain, sir, please tell me why you're following me!"

"Me? Following you? Ahahaha..."

(F/N) groaned, head drooping in defeat.

What was it that I did last time to make him go away?

The memory of slipping and grabbing him made her face turn red. She remembered her arms going around his neck, him hugging her, and there was the way he was staring at her when she hugged Mutsu...

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