Sakamoto Tatsuma x Reader: Christmas in Space

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(F/N) stood staring into space—literally.

She was by the large window on the Kaientai's deck, watching with mild interest as the planets and stars drifted by. She was relieved to have a moment of peace and quiet, but that was soon interrupted by the laugh that signified the approach of her boyfriend.

"Ah, (F/N)! There you are! Ahahaha!"

He engulfed her in a hug, and (F/N) frowned.

"Hey, Tatsuma."

Upon hearing her voice, he drew back, a frown of genuine concern on his face.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem a little sad."

She forced a smile. "I'm not sad, really! I guess I'm more...disappointed."


She looked out the window again, and Sakamoto followed her gaze.

"Normally, around this time of the year, my family would be decorating for Christmas," she explained. "I always enjoyed it, and I guess I'm just disappointed I won't get to be there this year."

Sakamoto nodded. (F/N) had only become an official member of the Kaientai three months earlier. It was hard to give up life on earth, but worth it to be with her laughing idiot.

He put an arm around her shoulders. "Do you wish you were with them?" He smiled, but she could tell he was worried about what her answer would be.

(F/N) forced a smile. "Of course not! I wouldn't give this up for the world! I just...didn't think about the possibility of there being a deal three galaxies away only a few days before Christmas, that's all.

Sakamoto sighed. "I'm sorry...I wish we could make it in time...and Mutsu won't let me decorate the ship..."

"It's not a big deal!" she insisted.

"I don't like your sad face," he pinched her cheeks, grinning. "I like your laughing face more!"

"Tatsuma! I already told you I'm not sad!"

He crushed her against his chest, and, in spite of herself, she smiled.

"Even if I'm not sad, thanks for worrying."

"Ahaha! Of course!"


It was Christmas day. (F/N) was heading to the ship's command center, ready for her shift. Most of the crew wasn't from Earth, so few people even told her 'Merry Christmas.' She'd called her parents, at least, and she hoped to have a chance to celebrate with Sakamoto later.

Come to think of it...she thought. He hasn't dropped any hints about what my present is...

She switched seats with the person who had the previous shift, and took a brief look at the navigation panel to see where they were.

"Wait a minute," she said, turning to Mutsu, who sat in the Captain's seat. "Are we taking a detour?"

Mutsu glanced at her. "Don't ask me. Ask the Captain."

"Wait, he—"

"(L/N)-san!" one of the crewmembers exclaimed, crashing through the door. "The Captain wants to see you!"

"But I just started my shift!" she protested.

"It's okay," the man said, shooing her out of her seat. "I'll take over. You just go see what he wants. He's on the deck."

The deck?

She marched up to the large, windowed room, still wondering what on earth he wanted her for. When she got there, he was standing by the window, his usual grin on his face.

"Ahahaha! (F/N)! There you are!"

She waved to him. "I'm here. So what's up?"

"Come over here! Come over here!"

He took her by the shoulders, and pushed her up to the window.

They were apparently passing through a patch of asteroids, and every single one was covered in Christmas lights.

"Tatsuma...Tatsuma, what is this?"

"Merry Christmas, (F/N)." He pecked her cheek. "You were really upset over not being able to decorate for Christmas, so I made this happen."

She stared at the sight, not sure whether to laugh or cry.

She decided to laugh.

"I can't believe it!" she exclaimed, "You put Christmas lights on asteroids? What the heck, Tatsuma?"

Still, she had to admit, it was beautiful.

Once she caught her breath, she was content to stare at it. Sakamoto joined her, standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

"I love it," she murmured, "but it must've cost a fortune..."

He poked her cheek, still red from her laughter session, and she realized it wasn't the asteroids he was looking at, but her reflection in the glass.

"It's worth it to see that expression."

She spun around, and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Oh, God, Tatsuma! I love you so much!"

"Ahahaha! I love you, too!"

In that moment, she vowed to spend the rest of her life with the idiot who would put Christmas lights on asteroids to make her laugh.

Author's Note: Hi, guys! Merry Christmas! Thanks for reading my stories. If you like them, please remember to vote! I really appreciate it! Thank you!

-Marguerite Partello

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