Sakata Gintoki x Reader: Hangover

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Gin was an idiot. That wasn't news to anyone, but he wasn't sure he'd ever been this much of an idiot before.

He contemplated this fact as he stumbled down the street, clinging to lampposts, and trying not to puke. That night, he'd visited the Hostess Club on Otae's invitation. He'd accepted enthusiastically, not because of the gorilla woman who'd punched him through a wall five minutes after his arrival. No, he'd accepted because of a different woman.


(F/N) was a close coworker of Otae's. Gin liked her, and he liked to think the feeling was mutual. There was just one problem.

Recently, his feelings had been turning into something a bit more than like.

But he couldn't just tell her. What kind of idiot would do something like that?

So instead, he resigned himself to a cursed existence of lonesome pining. That was fine, right? What could go wrong?

He collapsed to his knees, drunkenly staring up at the massive staircase leading to the Yorozuya.

Apparently, a lot could go wrong.

It all started when he entered the club. Otae had immediately started pouring him drinks, which he accepted graciously, not thinking too hard about the price. (F/N) came to join them, and he quickly struck up a conversation with her, ignoring Otae entirely.

That is, until the gorilla woman butted into the conversation with a question intended to kill.

"Gin-san, you like (F/N)-chan, don't you?"

Her stare made it clear there was only one right answer, and Gin stared back, trying to find the easy way out. He knew (F/N) didn't return his feelings, and he'd never want to make her uncomfortable, so in his drunken state, he came up with an absolutely brilliant solution.

"(F/N)-san? Why would I like that ugly mug?"

Gin had meant it to be their usual joking banter, but the moment the words left his lips, (F/N)'s eyes teared up, and she ran off in a huff.

Gin's solution to this was to drink more alcohol, and Otae's was to give him a concussion.

Now he was struggling home, black-out drunk with a head injury.

Somehow or another, he managed to make it up the stairs, and into the house. His boots came off, and he collapsed into his futon, head spinning. In his current state, it didn't take him long to fall asleep.

In his dreams, he thought he heard (F/N) calling out to him. He reached out to take her hand, pressing a kiss to her soft skin.

"(F/N)...I really love you, you know?"


The next morning, Gin awoke to a massive hangover, and a pounding at the door.

He snapped awake, shooting out of bed, only to double over at the pain in his skull. Then his stomach heaved, and he dashed to the hall to deposit its contents in the toilet.

In the background, he could hear the front door open and close. Someone walked past the bathroom, only to heave a sigh, and come right back. The footsteps paused, and there was another sigh before the person stepped into the bathroom, and placed a hand on his back.

"There, there, you're fine, just come to the kitchen when you stop puking."

Gin's head shot up, almost spraying vomit all over the bathroom. There, standing next to him with a raised eyebrow, was (F/N).

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