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"I can't believe it", Bec shook her head in disbelief, "I know right", I wiggled my brows.

"Man I wish I was there to see it", she shook her head, "You were busy with Armin", I smirked, "Shut up", she silenced me.

"But wow", she stared at me, "Spencer Bradley...I am so fucking proud of you", her tone honest and genuine. "Promise me you won't go back", she held up her pinky.

"Go back? Are you crazy?", I laughed, "When it comes to you, no, so promise me you wont", her tone stern.

I hooked my pinky with hers, "I promise".

"No tell me about Armin", I rested my head on her pillow, she sighed, a stupid smile on her face.

"He's so sweet- totally not my type- but...he's just so...perfect", she said as daydreams passed in her eyes.

"I just think he's too good for me- you know?", she looked to me, "What?", I sat up and moved in front of her.

"Rebecca Bradley, you are the most stubborn, ruthless, invigorating woman I have ever met, any man...would be lucky to call you his", she smiled warmly, "I'm the one that's supposed to remind you of your worth- not the other way around".

"Guess the tabled have turned", I shrugged my shoulders, "I missed this Spencer", she began to reminisce.

"I've always been the same Spencer", she shook her head, "No you haven't, the day you met him, she disappeared", she paused, "But I'm glad she's back- and I hope...she's here to stay".

I smiled and looked to her, "Me too".

There was a knock on the door, causing our conversation to come to a halt.

"Who the fuck-", "I'll get it", I left her bed and made my way to the door carelessly.

My face dropped when I saw Jean standing there.

His eyes were red and puffy, as if he'd been crying all night.

My face dropped from the sight, "Spencer", he started to smile and stepped closer, but I took a step back. "Can we...please talk?", he pleaded, I looked to the side then down. "Please- we've been together three years...just give me 30 minutes", I bit my lip.

Seeing him like that...changed everything.
Everything I thought I knew about us changed in this split second. Seeing that heartbreak in his eyes hurt me in a way I couldn't possibly describe.

"I have work in an hour", my voice quiet, "All I'm asking for is 30 minutes, please Spence", I looked down and took a deep breath.

I owed him that much, right?

We took separate cars, I parked next to him in the parking lot in front of the grey ocean.

"Don't forget how he made you feel", I whispered to myself just before I left the car.

"What happened with us? Was it something I did?", he asked as we stood in front of the railing.

"You didn't treat me very well Jean", my eyes stayed head of me, "You made me feel guilty, insecure...unloved".

"Have you been thinking about this? For a while?", "About a year", there was a painfully loud silence between us.

"I know I'm an asshole sometimes, and I am so sorry for making you feel that way- truly...", his eyes started to water, and he faced me. "I'm so sorry I couldn't love you the way you wanted me to", my eyes turned sad from his words.

"Someone like you- deserves to be happy and if this- makes you happy then I am okay with that", he smiled sadly.

"You deserve the fucking world Spencer", a single tear fell from his eyes, "And I am so sorry I couldn't give that to you". I held his hand on my face, "I have no doubt in my mind you're the one I'm supposed to love", my eyes started to burn with tears.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now