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A/n: I was ugly crying writing this entire chapter. But this is NOT the end....

-a few days later-

"Alright, I have work but I'll be back at 5", Eren threw a black t shirt on, "I'll be here....writing", I muttered as my eyes focused on the screen intently. "That book better be done by the time I get back, you know", I smiled, "How bout dinner instead?".

"As long as it isn't a grilled cheese", he kissed me, "Love you", I smiled as he rushed out, "Love you Bradley!", I heard before the door slammed shut.

I smiled and shook my head, my fingers tapping away at my keyboard. Lost in each letter I typed next. In a fantasy world where time was our only friend. A friend who guided us into the future, and didn't let us stay stuck in yesterday.

But wasn't that just tomorrow?

Bec had returned home a day or two after the wedding, along with Armin. My dad returned to the hospital, starting his next two days of radiation therapy just before he could taste remission again.

Life carried on. While I stayed in tomorrow. Writing the last words everyday.

I knew the day was coming. The day my heart would stop beating and my brain would burn my last thoughts forever. So each day I spent alive I typed my last words. Because I wasn't sure when my tomorrow would be my last tomorrow.

So I did the only thing I knew how to. I wrote.

(song rec: Another Love- Tom Odell, yea it's gonna hurt)

He spent his day working, doing the only thing he knew how to. The thought of her remained in his head. The woman in the window. The love of his life. The sun to his moon. The stars to his sky. His all.

She got him through time itself. Just the thought of knowing she existed was more than enough for him. The idea of knowing that she was there, in that same window he shared every night.

It was the only place he could be with her. It was the only place where time would stop for them. That when they shared the darkness of the night through that sparkling window, they'd be together. From now until the sun found the moon again.

He knew she loved him, he knew because her light stayed on too. The same time his did. He knew she'd always be there. In the only place they could be together.

The only window in time that allowed them to love again.

It wasn't much, a window. Just a sheet of glass dividing two places. The outside and the inside. The light and the dark. A place where there was hope, that if you looked out long enough you'd find the answer. A place to think, a place to rest.

A place to find time again.

It didn't matter if it was raining, or if clouds were covering the only sky left. If there were no walls and only a window. If the apocalypse took the earth and all the stars in the sky.

They would always have that window. To find each other again.

But when that window finally does shatter. He won't shatter with it. He'll look at the stars, waiting for the next time. He'll wait for his stars to meet hers again.

He waited till tomorrow. And his first and last words to her were, "Let's Meet Again, For the First Time".

And they were mine too.

Eren's POV:

"Oh shit", I panicked when my keys weren't in my pocket. "Ugh I'm already running late! Fuck!", I left my car, frustrated and annoyed. The sun blinded my eyes, "Shit!", I muttered under my breath.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now