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I filled Bec in on what happened between Eren and I, not leaving out a single detail.

"Well Spence, I think he just misunderstood the situation", she said softly, "That doesn't change what he said to me", my eyes glued to the floor. "I know he hurt you, and I'm sure you hurt him too-", "I hurt him?? How did I hurt him??".

"Try and see this from his perspective, Eren leaves because he's dealing with shit, he can't handle his own mind and he comes back to see the one person who makes him feel alive, and she's talking to the one man he cant stand, the one man who had you before he did", I tried my best to understand, but I was still hurting.

I glanced at my phone, missed calls and texts from Eren filled my phone screen:

Eren: spencer im sorry
Eren: please answer
Eren: i am so sorry
Eren: i didn't know i just assumed and i blew it im so sorry
Eren: please don't let this be goodbye
Eren: i cant lose you spencer Bradley
Eren: i love you so much...please

I focused back on Bec, "Just the way he spoke to me...I've never heard such hate in his voice before, it hurt me in a way I didn't even know was possible".

Bec sighed lightly, "And I'm sure he could take back every word if he could", her eyes stern as she spoke.

"You can't change what's been said, once the words leave your lips, they're set in stone for eternity", I looked out the window, hoping it would take me anywhere but here.

"He's hurting too Spence, try to remember that", I bit my lip and all the hurt crawled it's way up my throat until it was satisfied with the results.

"No", I shot up, "No he was hurting, and he ran away, he ran and didn't say anything to me!! He ran when things got hard because he couldn't handle it-I was left alone terrified and scared out of my mind that something had happened to him!! I didn't get a single text or call!! He could've been dead I would have no fucking clue!!", I let it all out.

"He isn't allowed to be hurt anymore!! He didn't think for a second how his actions would affect the people around him!!! He didn't think about the lives that would be consumed with the idea of him being gone!!!", I inhaled deeply, "His poor mother is decaying from the inside out because she has no clue how to help her fucking son who wont talk to her!!".

"I spent all of my time!! Every second, every minute and every fucking hour I had looking for him!!! And he has the audacity to blame me and say I never even tried!!?!!? How is that fair?? Why is he the only one allowed to hurt!!!??", my voice became louder and louder.

"I love him!! I love him so much that he drives me fucking insane!!! I can't fucking stand him!! You don't get to just run away from life when it gets too hard!! You need to keep going- people deal with shit everyday!!! His problems do not make him special or allow him to do things like this to the people he cares about!!!".

"He does not get to be hurt right now", I said, my eyes full of tears begging to fall down my face, "It's my turn to be hurt and run".

Bec sighed as if she didn't know what to say, "I get it, I do, but just...hear him out, do that for me, okay?", she smiled softly, hoping it would cause me to sway easier. I bit the inside of my cheek and decided to give her the answer she wanted, "Okay".

"Well I have time, we're leaving for California tomorrow so I have a week before I have to deal with that situation", I said with a deep breath of relief. "That's right,. I'm going off to college tomorrow", she threw her head back and shut her eyes, hoping it would make time stop so she could catch up.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now