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A/n: u guys are gonna love this chapter bc I was smiling like an idiot while writing it ENJOY MY LOVELIES

"Spencer I-", "Don't", my tone flat and cold. "Will you just let me-", "Eren don't", I finally looked to him my eyes stern and colder than before. The older woman sitting beside me crossed her arms and looked away, as if it would give us more privacy.

"Spencer I will spend the entirety of this flight trying to speak to you, I don't care how long it takes I will-", I slipped my air pods in and opened my MacBook, "Hm? Were you saying something, sorry", I pointed to my plugged ears.

I smiled smugly to myself and opened my word document. I knew his eyes were watching the words I was about to type, so why not use this to my advantage?

They loved one another deeply, one could say almost too deeply. Their love consumed every inch of them, every cell and every organ. Till all she was, was his. And until all he was, was her.

But with such great love, brings great consequence, great hurt, and great pain.

Once your heart is claimed, that's when the pain floods in, though you don't feel it ag first, because your heart is overwhelmed with devotion. So you don't feel how badly the impeding doom will destroy you, because you're so wrapped up in the idea of being in love.

But who's to say love is the answer to all? Who's to say love will save us in the end? Who's to say love conquers all?

Love is not always enough to save us. Love does not remove the pain and hurt that words spawn. Love does not save our minds from the darkness. But instead turns the lights off, so we cannot find our way back. Love blinds our eyes with rays of innocence and purity, for when those lights turn off, all you see is the truth.

The cold, dark, ugly truth.

And that truth is that no matter how strong, how mighty that love you share with that person. A single sentence can change the entirety of who you thought they were. A single sentence can burn that love you once felt for them, into a fire of rage that cannot be put out with words or eyes.

One sentence can destroy any hopes you had for a future with them. It can shatter your soul into the smallest pieces, so you're never able to glue the pieces back together.

One the glass is shattered, you can use glue to put it back together, but the cracks are still visible to the human eye. All that hurt will remain, no matter how many sorry's or I love you's they spill to you.

A broken vase will always be just a broken vase.

He hurt her, he scarred her soul with words that could never be unsaid. He cried tears of time, begging for her hands to hold his again. He dropped to his knees and begged for her forgiveness until he ran our of tears. He told her that no matter how much she hated him, he would always love her enough for the both of them. That he would stop at nothing to be able to hold her again and feel the warmth her embrace brought him.

He'd wait a thousand years if it meant she was ready to be his again. Because he knew that she was the only one for him, she was his epic love. And nothing or no one could ever change that.

He knew that he must earn her heart again, earn the trust they lost. He knew it would take time, blood, sweat and tears. But he would destroy the planet if it meant her happiness.

But she was hurt, bruised with the cold words he had spoken to her. She cried tears of pain and agony as the words burned into her skin, to be scarred on her forever. She asked the stars, why? Why must I feel this way about the man I love the most? Why must I hurt so badly for love? Why do I cry for his love when he wished it never happened?

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now