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A/n: I want to give a MASSIVE thank you to @ditzyndumb this chapter would not be possible without you, nor this entire story I love you so much j💘. Also I was sobbing, like violently sobbing writing this.


After I mailed Bec's letter and dropped off the other two. The only one left was mine. I sat on the sofa, the letter placed on the coffee table in front of me.

My eyes were tired, I hadn't been sleeping much. It was hard, the days felt like hours. Time was laughing in my face. It was hard to keep going, because I didn't want to. It felt like I was leaving her behind with each step I took.

I missed her more than I could remember her.

I missed her warmth, the calmness she brought to me. How she'd just look at me with those big brown eyes and everything would be okay. God her eyes, I missed them the most. How they gleamed in the sunlight, lighting up just enough to see a shade of brown.

I was heartbroken. I was empty. I was lost. Because who was I if I wasn't with her? She was my everything, my sun, my moon, all the stars in my universe. So what was I now?

I sighed deeply, hoping it would relieve me of my thoughts.

My heart ached with each day she was gone. It's been a month now and the pain is still swallowing me whole.

But something happened today. Today I saw hope for the first time. I saw a single star in an abyss of darkness. She didn't leave without saying goodbye. She left a legacy, her legacy.

She knew her end was looming, so she made use of it. She was anything but selfish. Because she gave everyone the closure they couldn't find. She left them with the last pieces of her soul. She won't be remembered as another pretty face gone too soon, she'll be remembered for her thoughts, who she is.

So everyone had a letter. Including me. But for some reason, I couldn't open it. It's been sitting on this coffee table for a month now. Because I don't want closure. Closure means to end. And I don't want us to end Spencer.

I can't bear the thought of us ending. Why would I want to live in a world like that?

I groaned and threw my head back, my leg tapping up and down anxiously. I snatched the letter and stuffed it in my pocket. I grabbed my keys and darted out the door.

(song rec: The Night We Met- Lord Huron)

When I made it outside, the sky was dark. I wasn't sure what time it was, but I knew it was late, there weren't as much people out. The sky was cloudy, not a star to be seen.

I stopped into a liquor store and grabbed the most expensive bottle of whiskey on the shelf, along with a pack of cigarettes.

I stared at the bagged bottle in my hand, not a clue where to go next. So I just started walking, hoping my feet would bring me to a destination.

My hair was a mess, dark circles under my eyes. Almost all the people I passed gave me a startled look.

I sat myself on a curb. I set the bottle down beside me and grabbed the letter from my pocket. And there I was, just staring at it again. I couldn't open it no matter how badly I wanted to.

And that's when a cool breeze brushed by, the letter slipped from my hands as the wind carried it. I chased after it quickly. But every time I thought I had it, it would blow away further.

I sped up, determined to snatch it before I lost her. I shoved past the few people on the sidewalk. My hand stretched out, reaching for the letter like it was all I had left.

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