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Something we're thrown into without our own free will.

We're given skin to protect our organs from the outside world. We were given bones to walk. Then we grew muscles, that supported the bones, allowing us more movement in any direction we pleased. We were born with eyes, to guide our way though the play we call 'life'. Blood flooded our empty veins to bring warmth to our once frozen bodies.

So we're taught to move our bones with our muscles, one step in front of the other, until our bones break. We realize our bodies need food to stay strong, so we eat, to feed the blood in our veins so we don't freeze to death. We stay away from sharp items to avoid tearing our skin and risking infection to our weak organs. We covered our eyes to shield fear, hoping that if we didn't see it, it wouldn't hurt us.

From birth till death our bodies begin to rot. Each day is one closer to death, whatever way you want to look at it. Each day we live, every tomorrow. Our bones become less strong, the blood in our veins thickens, our skin becomes cold and dry, our muscles get weaker, unable to hold our bones up, we grow less hungry for life as our body decays. And our eyes don't see the beauty they once did, but only the brooding darkness that's coming to take them.

So we keep our hearts beating through water and food. But what keeps our heart alive? What makes it warm? What makes it whole?

No one knows. There's no answer to life, only instructions.

Everyone has to be drunk on something to keep pushing forward...Everyone's a slave to something...

We swallow pills to bury our thoughts and emotions in hopes it'll fix us. We drink alcohol to feel a false sense of happiness that leaves us with a bitter ending. We inhale toxins to feed the greed in our minds. And we inject poison inside our veins to take us to another world, a world with no hurt, where we're weightless...

We are bound in the chains of society until we reach judgement day. Where those heavy chains of greed are finally broken and we meet the sky and join the stars.

And then, we are truly free.

I don't believe in any religion, no specific god. But I do believe in the stars.

I believe we join them as we are finally set to be free.

I believe the stars carry us through the night, they guide us home when we can't see clearly. They shine brighter for us when they know we're hurting. They're always watching us, through the night and day. We may not see them when the sun rises, but they're there.

Protecting us.

And when stars fall, it reminds us how beautiful this world can be. The feeling of seeing a star fall in the sky is like no other.

It makes me wonder...

What made you fall? Did you shine to brightly? Did you grow tired of shining? What exactly causes the stars to fall from  their home?

Well if you ask an astrologist they'll tell you it isn't even a star, it's just tiny specs of dust from space.

But if you ask me, what causes a star to fall is being seen. Stars shine and twinkle in the sky, there's millions of them. But there's only one falling. And once you see it, it's all you can look at. All you can see is the beauty that falling star is leaving behind as it makes its way out of the sky.

You're so captivated by the beauty you lose thought that it's burning out as it falls to it's death.

It really is strange how we find beauty in the most twisted sights.

So next time you take the trash out at night, or walk your dog, try to look up at the stars. Because they wont always be there protecting you, they fall, just like we do.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now