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I did lie to him, Bec wasn't here, I just needed to get out of that room full of people. But I couldn't tell him that, because it would upset him.

So I took a deep breath and called Bec, hoping she'd be there.

But the line just kept ringing, each ring stung me more.

I ended the call and decided to walk, hoping it would clear my anxious mind. I tried to focus on the noises around me, the smells in the air, the people I passed. Hoping that it would make me think of anything but thinking.

-the next day-

"Hey Spence- bye Spence", Bec rushed past me. "Wait Bec", I stood up. "What, I'm meeting Armin right now", she went through her bag.

I rolled my eyes and looked to the side, "The fuck was that?", she looked me up and down.

"Nothing, have fun", I walked to my room and shut the door.

"Don't walk away from me, the fuck is your problem?", she threw my door open, rage fueling in her eyes.

"Nothing, go have fun", I refused to tell her the truth. "Cut the shit Spencer", she crossed her arms over her chest, a flat look on her face.

"You want me to cut the shit Bec? Fine", I stood up, "You're always gone!! You're never home!! You're either with Armin or out partying!! You never answer my calls anymore!! I have seen you twice this month!! And you're leaving to college next month!! You aren't going to be here anymore- and I'm gonna be all alone!! God- do you not understand that I miss my sister and want to spend time with her before she's gone!!", tears grew in my eyes as I let it all out.

"Don't do that", she rolled her eyes, "You're with Eren all the time!! So don't you dare bitch at me for being out all the time", she scoffed. "You're the one who pushed me to hangout with him!!!", I yelled.

"Do you not understand that there are things I need my sister for!? I almost fucking died and that wasn't enough??", I refused to let the tears in my eyes fall.

"Don't you dare", her tone full of hurt, "I was by your side every day you were in that hospital bed, ask Eren, I was there, every fucking minute, every hour", I noticed her eyes began to water.

"But no, that doesn't matter, because he was there with you, he was the one who was there when you woke up, all that matters is Eren Eren Eren- so now I'm left in the dust and forgotten", she stepped closer to me. "It's like you're making me compete with him! 'Oh who can fix Spencer first'".

"I don't need to be fixed", I looked away, she laughed through her nose, "You and I both know that isn't true".

"So don't come at me, attacking me for not being there, when you were never there to begin with!!".

"This is your fault, us not talking is all your fault, do not put that shit on me!!", she yelled angrily, "I reach out to you!! I call you!! I text you!! You don't reply to me!! And when I do see you- you're always leaving!! You're gonna put this shit on me?!?".

"Aww, little miss victim", her tone mean and cold, "God, you sound just like mom", she scoffed.

My lips parted and the tears finally fell from my eyes, "You don't mean that", my voice shaky, "Don't say that".

"Well if the shoe fits", she looked me up and down, "I can't believe you just said that to me", I looked down then back to her, "What's wrong with you?", my voice cracked.

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, you should know that", she left my room.

And when the door slammed shut, it took a piece of me with it.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now