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"What are you wearing?", I popped into Bec's room, "Black dress, oversized leather jacket and boots", she rushed around her room frantically

. "What should I wear?", I scratched the side of my head and leaned on her doorframe.

"Something hot", she wiggled her brows, I rolled my eyes and groaned, "You're useless", I walked off to my room.

I looked through my closet, unsure what to wear.
"Fuck it", I whispered and grabbed a pair of baggy jeans and an oversized black t shirt.

I walked to my bathroom and messed with my hair. I slicked it back then messed it up, over and over again until it looked somewhat presentable.

I left it down, it rested just at the base of my neck, hiding the hickies if the makeup wouldn't hold up. "Alright", I sighed and looked at my reflection once again. "Looking good", I smiled softly.

I slipped some black boots on and waited for Bec.
"They're here!! Let's go", her tone panicked as she rushed into my room. "Jeez what's got you all frazzled?", I asked as we left the apartment.

"Nothing- I'm not frazzled- I'm fine!", I laughed, "Sure", I said slowly.

Eren's car was waiting for us out front. "Oh god, Eren's driving", I muttered under my breath, "Is he a shitty driver or something?", "Oh, you'll see".

"You look gorgeous", Armin left the passengers seat and hugged Bec. Eren and I stole a glance from one another. I noticed Armin opened the backseat door for her and followed her inside.

I sat beside Eren. "Ready for the best night of your life?", "That is if we make it to the concert", I smiled sarcastically. "You wanna complain about my driving so much then fine", he left the car, "What is he doing?", Armin asked, "Is he serious?", I whispered as he walked to my side of the car.

He opened my door, "Come on, switch", he motioned me out. "Is this a joke?", I narrowed my eyes, confusion all over my face. "Nope, Miss driver instructor, by all means, drive", he smirked. I bit my lip and shook my head slightly.

"Fine", I hopped out of the passenger's seat.

"Good luck", he whispered as he passed me, "Wait what?", when I turned to face him, the door shut in my face. "Fucker", I muttered under my breath.

I sat in the drivers seat and adjusted it to my height. I glanced at the gear shift and that's when I realized his car was manual.

My eyes found his, a devilish smirk across his lips as he watched me realize. "Go on", he narrowed his eyes just a tad.

First car I ever learn to drive was a manual, but he didn't know that....to my advantage.

(A/n: if you don't know, an automatic car is what all the needed cars are- super easy to drive. But manuals are older and they aren't really made anymore-very rare. So knowing how to drive one is kind of a flex- and hot)

I pressed on the clutch and shifted into first, my eyes checking on Eren's reaction. His mouth wide along with his eyes as he watched me drive the manual car. "First car I ever drove was a manual Eren, nice try though", I smiled smugly.

"You never cease to amaze me Spencer Bradley", Eren watched me closely as I drove down the road. "What can I say? I'm impressive", I sighed, my voice filled with confidence.

Bec and Armin were occupied with a conversation of their own in the backseat. Leaving Eren and I dived up front together.

"More and more everyday", he said, "Yeah, just wait, it gets better", I slammed on the gas and shifted into 3rd gear. The car flew down the road, I swerved right and left past slower cars. "Holy shit!", Eren raised his voice, but I could tell he was smiling.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now