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A/n: ready to cry yet? Grab some tissues♥️

I threw on a black fitted long sleeve and fixed my hair up, "Bec you almost ready?? We're gonna be late!!", I shouted, "One second!!".

I rolled my eyes and sat on the sofa, waiting for her.

For 20 minuets.

"Finally", I groaned and got up, "Hey, some of us like to look our best at work", she defended herself. "Why?", I asked with confusion, "Because you never know if today is the day Harry Styles comes into the restaurant".

I laughed, "Right", I dragged my words, "Does Armin know about your obsession with him?", I started the engine to my car, "He knows, he knows", she said as if she were proud.

I rolled my eyes, "Poor guy", "He knows his place and that's what matters", she put on some ChapStick.

Turns our life continues after someone you love goes away. I was coping, I missed him more than I could feel. I tried to distract myself, because if I didn't, he'd take my mind for as long as he could.

But I never stopped looking for him, I drove all night and day. I drove till I couldn't see anymore.

It's been almost 2 months without him.

I was worried, but I was trying my best to live. I was bruised with his soul, a wound that wouldn't heal till he was in my arms one last time.

But no matter how hard life gets, how bad the pain is, how dark the days are. You must move on, you must go on. You have no choice but to keep going and moving forward.

I told myself that he was someplace nice, that he was warm, that he was free from his own mind.

But I knew deep down, that was not the case at all.

What could I do? Nothing. All I could do was look for him and hope I find him. Other than that, I was completely helpless. And I hated it.

But I couldn't let it consume me and control my life. I had to keep going, I had to wake up and show up to work. I had to socialize I had to be present. Because time doesn't wait for anyone.

"Ladies", Armin smiled at us, but mainly Bec, "Hi Armin", I threw my keys on the counter, "Any word?", he stood beside me, his eyes hoping for the answer we both wanted.

I shook my head, my eyes low, "He's gonna come home, okay?", he tried to comfort me, "Yeah", I nodded, feeling the dread wash over me.

He threw his arm around me and pulled me closer, "He will come home, I promise", I shut my eyes in his embrace.

"I better open the bar", I wiped my eyes to free the built up tears, "Let me know if you need anything", he smiled warmly, "Thank you Armin, really", my eyes genuine and kind.

I opened the bar as usual.

I glanced to the younger woman at the bar whispering, I made eye contact and they laughed.

Are we in high school?

"Eren could do so much better, she's like a bartender", I faintly heard from their glossed lips.

I bit the inside of my check, "Bec, can you watch the bar for a second?", "Sure, what's up?", "Cunts at the end", I whispered, "Roger that".

I went back to the alley and took a deep breath.

God I was tired of my name being whispered behind my back. I was tired of people chattering about my looks or who I was as a person. Most of the drama has calmed down and they found something new to obsess over. But that didn't mean people still liked to talk when they could.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now