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Spencer's POV:

I sighed and dropped my keys on the counter, "Eren?", I yawned as I listened for any sign of him. "In here", I heard him call from the room, I found him lying on my bed reading The Beautiful and Damned.

"How was your day?", I laid beside him, "Very relaxing, how was work?", he threw his arm around me, pulling me closer to him, "So fucking chaotic", I sighed deeply as I began to explain my shift.

"Sounds like we need a night", he suggested, "A night?", I knitted my brows, not a clue what he was referring to.

"A night to do whatever the fuck we want and get high out of our minds until we can't keep our eyes open anymore", he started to grin. "Let's have a night", I nodded, he kissed my forehead, "Change into some pjs", he left the bed.

"It's only 4pm", I sat up in the bed, "We're having a night Spencer Bradley, we'll enjoy in it our sweatpants", I laughed through my nose. "I like the way you think Yeager", he faced me, "Yeah?", "Yeah".

I threw some grey sweatpants on and a black hoodie. Eren in black sweatpants and a black hoodie, his hair tied back messily.

He threw somethings in a tote bag with some anime decal on it and we made our way out.

"Sometimes it feels like we're married", I joined his side as we made our way downstairs, "Maybe we should just get married then", he said plainly, as if it were just another task. "Hmm, Spencer Yeager", I tapped my finger on my bottom lip, "I don't know if I like it", I started to mess with him.

"What's not to like? The Yeager's come from a long bloodline of stealing power and money that never belonged to them", I chuckled, "But that sucks that you don't like it", he shook his head and we entered his car.

"Oh yeah, why's that?", he started the engine and his eyes met mine, "Because you're stuck with me and my name, whether you like it or not Spencer Bradley", I raised my brows as a wide grin grew across my face.

"I'm stuck, well that's a damn shame, isn't it?", I shook my head, "Dreadful, I know", he gave me the same sarcastic tone. "It's almost frightening", he started to drive, "Gruesome, some might say".

I chuckled and shook my head from the banter we shared, he did the same.

"So what's next for our first night of marriage?", I asked him, "Well, we feast, of course", he parked in front of an old diner. "Mary Anne's Diner? Mr. Yeager, you shouldn't have", "I placed my hand over my chest for the dramedy.

"Well, Mrs. Yeager, I did", he opened my door and took my hand, "Such a gentlemen", my tone full of sarcasm, "Only the best for my wife", he opened the door and followed me inside.

"Seat yourselves", an older lady passed by us, "Where will it be, dear?", Eren asked, "Well, honey, how about that booth by the window, we'll get a nice view of the building across the street", I said overly sweetly.

"As you wish", he followed me down the aisle of booths.

I slid into the bright red leather booth that stretched to the window, Eren did the same just across me.

I opened the menu, my eyes lit up when I saw the advertised strawberry milkshake, "I'm going to fuck up that strawberry milkshake", I said as my mouth began to water, my stomach growling for a taste of food.

"Oh fuck that looks good", he found the same item, "Do I want pancakes or a cheeseburger?", I questioned to myself. "Let's do both", his eyes lit up, "Our night", I dropped the menu, "Our night", he did the same.

"You kids ready to order?", the older lady from before approached us, "Yes we are, honey?", he nodded to me, "I'll get the cheeseburger, the strawberry milkshake and the pancakes", I smiled at her. "Fries okay?", "Yep".

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now