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A/n: you really thought I was gonna let you be happy? *rubs hands mischievously*

We spent the last few days in California drinking and sleeping till the sun tired us out.

But now it was time to say goodbye...

"So this is it", I dropped my bags, Bec standing in front of me, "This is it", she sighed.

"Don't say some sentimental writer shit like dad does cause that'll just make me cry, and I really-...", her words stopped when tears grew in her eyes, "...-Don't wanna cry...", I hugged her tightly, my eyes shut.

"Then let's not say anything, okay?", I held her shoulders, tears ready to fall from both our eyes. "Okay", she nodded.

"I'm always gonna be your big sister, doesn't matter how far away I am, okay?", I wiped the tears falling from her face. "I love you so much Bec, don't ever forget that", I held her tightly again.

"Now get out of here before I don't let you leave", she pushed me back, I smiled at her one last time, "Later kid", I waved, "Later idiot", she waved, Armin holding her hoping to soothe her.

She didn't want to fall apart, she didn't want to cry. So we made it short, because there's nothing in this world Bec hates more than showing her emotions, and feeling them. She doesn't want to look weak, or vulnerable. She hated crying in front of people, so I understood.

Again, this wasn't goodbye, it was just...I'll see you tomorrow.

Eren joined me in the uber, "I hate goodbyes", his eyes stayed on the window, refusing to look at his lifelong best friend. "Me too", I looked at them one last time.

The car drove off and I watched their figures fade in the distance. And eventually they were just...gone...

I looked down as it hit me, Eren's hand held mine softly. He was hurting just as much as I was. We were both ready to crumble, but we knew we had to stay strong for one another. So that's what we did.

We held on.

We didn't say much to each other on the flight home, it was mainly small touches and glances. I think we both needed the silence.

My dad was waiting there for us by his car, his skin looked more pale than usual, his eyes more tired.

"Hey dad", I hugged him, "Hey honey".

"You okay?", he held my shoulders, "I will be", I said with half confidence. "Eren, son, how you doing?", "Holding on", Eren struggled to get the words out, "And that's the best we can do", my dad hugged him tightly, knowing he needed it.

"Alright, home for Spencer, what about you Eren?", Eren stayed quiet a moment, unsure where his home was.

He had the house he grew up in, but that wasn't home to him. And the house he lived in with Mikasa that was just a place to stay. Armin's apartment was just a temporary home.

So where was his home?

Thing is, home isn't a place, it's a feeling. Home is a feeling of comfort, safety and security. A feeling where you can just be...yourself. It doesn't have to be a person, or a place. It can simply just be...a feeling.

I think he knew deep down where his home was. But admitting it made it real, and that scared him a little. He didn't want to say it out loud because what if the feelings weren't reciprocated.

"He's coming home with me", I said, my eyes watching him closely. His eyes lit up and his entire mood flipped. Like that was all he needed to hear to be okay.

The biggest smile on his lips as we locked eyes in the backseat if my dads car, "Home it is", he said before he drove off.

The car stopped in front of my apartment building, I glanced at Eren, his eyes staring up at the building before they focused to me. "Home", I smiled softly, "Home".

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now