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A/n: this is a long ass chapter bc there was ALOT to fit in it so I apologize ENJOY THO

Eren's POV:

I sat at our glass dining table, anxiously waiting for Mikasa to answer my call. Each time the line rang it stung the wall of my heart.

After trying her 5 times, she finally picked up, she laughed, "Hey babe", "Mikasa I've been calling- you said you'd be here at 10- it's my moms birthday and we're meeting my parents for brunch", my tone tinted with impatience.

There were other voices in the call, laughs and giggles.

"Oh shit- I totally forgot babe- Annie don't", she laughed again, "Well what time are you gonna be here??", "I forgot I have a shoot today- so I cant make it, I'm sorry", I bit the inside of my cheek and hung up.

I banged my fist on the glass table out of anger. I quickly dialed my moms number, "Hey- Mikasa wont be bale to make it but I'll meet you guys there in 30", "Oh", that stung, the disappointment in her voice. "That's alright honey, we'll see you soon".

I grabbed my coat and rushed out the door. A deep feeling of sadness and disappointment filled my stomach.

After brunch with my parents, I made my way back home.

And when I opened the door, I was met with Mikasa and Annie drunk on our sofa, opened bottles of champagne scattered around the floor.

"I thought you had a shoot??", I made my way to them, "Oh yeah- it got cancelled so we just decided to hangout here", her eyes glazed with a drunken glimmer.

My face dropped, "Annie will you give us a second", my eyes glared into her grey ones.

"Sure", she groaned and walked off.

"This was important to me Mikasa- I don't ask much of you- just to show up- and you never do! Something else is always more important!", I explained, "I know I'm sorryyy", she slurred.

"And it's 12pm and you're wasted- we talked about this", my eyes softened.

"Oh my god relax", her tone annoyed, "You promised you were gonna be there today", my eyes fell to the ground. "Yeah I know okay, I said I was sorry- I'm love you I'm gonna go sleep", she walked past me as if the conversation meant nothing to her.

And that's how it was most days. Anything that was important to me, it could be something minimal, of little significance to anyone. But she just never gave a shit. I don't know when things got like this between us, all I know is it hasn't been the same in years.

She wasn't home most of the time, out with her friends, at an event, or in some country modeling. But when she was home, it was like she avoided me.

We'd go out to dinner when we could, but she looked like she wanted to be anywhere else.

I didn't know what I was doing wrong. I didn't know when the spark burnt out between us. And what hurt me the most, is that I didn't know when I stopped being enough for her.

We were two strangers sleeping in the same bed. Two strangers with a past and they didn't know who they were anymore.

I stayed up most nights worrying about her, if she was okay. But it became tiring. And I stopped waiting for her to get home safe.

But I was still unable to rest.

I kept the lights on and I'd lay in bed, thinking about how my life has come to this. How the woman I once loved no longer looked at me the same way.


I'd write little things that came to my mind, grab my guitar and mess around to pass the dark hours. This time of the night was my favorite, when the world was asleep and the silence was the loudest thing in the room. I felt like I could just breathe and be me.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now