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A/n: this one is gonna hurt you but in the best way♥️ I definitely did ALOT of self insert closer to the end of the chapter. I wont lie-

also if y'all ever need to talk I'm here to listen I saw some of ur comments from the last chapter and I just wanna let you know I AM HERE. Anyways sorry, ENJOY♥️

(song rec: Apocalypse- Cigarettes After Sex)

Eren parked in front of my house. The silence in the car was loud between us. My eyes dry and red from all the tears I cried. My body drained from the stress my mind carried.

"I don't want to be alone tonight", I said in a quiet voice, my eyes looking down.

"You don't have to be", he left the car and made his way to my side.

He opened the door and held his hand out, I smiled softly and took his hand. The warmth from his touch heated my cold body.

I dropped my keys on the ground and dragged my feet to the sofa. I rested my head atop the couch, looking out the window with my tired eyes. I felt him sit beside me.

A single tear fell from my right eye. I didn't bother to wipe it, nor acknowledge it. Not a single word could be said between us. There was nothing right to say in this moment.

Only actions.

My head slowly turned to his figure, my eyes found his. The expression on his face read mine perfectly.

It was if it were instinct, he scooted back and I rested my body on his. His arms held me close to him, my head rested on his chest. The sound of his steady heartbeat brought a calmness to the chaos in my mind.

His hand rubbed my back slowly, causing my body to find stillness in his embrace.

I wasn't thinking about this moment we were sharing, I was just...being.

Here. In his arms. I was safe.

Eren's POV:

I watched her closely, not taking my attention from her for a second. I was going to make sure she was okay.

I rested my chin atop her head.

She broke today. She fell apart in front of my eyes. I knew she didn't want me to see that, I knew it was hard for her to be vulnerable. But she trusted me, she knew I'd be right here.

She knew that she wasn't alone.

So she let out cries and screams as I held her tightly. Hearing the pain from her cries hurt me in a way I never knew was possible. My heart ached, knowing that she was crumbling. But I held it together, for her.

She needed me to be strong.

I knew, in this moment we were sharing right now, that this woman was the only woman I wanted to hold. For now, and any day after.

But not tomorrow, cause she doesn't believe in tomorrow. Just now.

I noticed she had fallen asleep. Her eyes resting soundly, small snored escaped her lips. Her breathing was slow and calmed.

I shut my eyes and kissed the top of her head. I left my lips there for just a moment longer.

She was so beautiful. But that wasn't the best part about her. The best part about her was how she wasn't pretending to be anyone else, she didn't act the way people wanted her to, she didn't hide the person she was. She was proud of the woman she is. She was content with her smile.

She was raw, you could see her soul.

All the flaws about her are what made her so perfect. I knew that was a contradicting statement, but that's the best way I could explain it. We don't love people based off their good attributes, we love their flaws. We love what they don't.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now