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I sped through the streets my destination waited for me as I begged it to stay still.

God I hated lying to her. I fucking hated it.

But what other choice did I have? I was in too deep now, being her father's sole emergency contact sealed that deal for me.

I rushed through the halls, squeezing past people as I tried to find the chaos.

I was out of breath when I made it to his room, "You okay?!", I rushed to his side. His energy was somber, as if he just received his expiration date.

"What happened?! The nurse said it was urgent", my eyes wide with fear, but he just sat there. Not a single word left his lips thickening the silence in the cold room.

He didn't speak a word, yet his silence conquered the room with the worst answer possible. An answer gives you truth, but no answer brings you harm.

"Eren Yeager?", the doctor entered the room, her demeaner colder than the Atlantic. "Yes", I shot up, "A word?", she nodded out the room. I glanced at Michael, the same stone somber look on his face, as if he hadn't moved and inch.

"What's going on??", I moved the strand of hair from my face, she sighed before she spoke, "The cancer's spread to his kidneys".

My entire heart sank. Like another heavy weight was placed on my back, and I was just one more from falling. I shut my eyes, hoping the fear around me would go away when I opened them again.

I looked to the side as I choked my tears back. "We need to prepare for a more aggressive chemo", I bit my bottom lip to silence the screams inside me begging to be released.

"And he needs to be placed on dialysis, which will be very stressful on his body", "So- what now?", I wiped my eyes to catch the tears before they could fall. "Well, he needs to make a choice", I inhaled sharply, knowing exactly what she was implying.

"And he hasn't spoken a word since the news, if he wants to fight, we need an answer tonight", I knitted my brows, "The cancer's that fast?", "Cancer's like these are aggressive, every hour matters", her tone was more determined.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, as my flesh swallowed itself.

"So what, you want me to choose?", my voice shaky and unsure, she stayed quiet, giving me more painful answers.

I let out deep breath and shook my head. I bit my lip, hoping it would deter the pain from my thoughts. "So you're telling me- you're telling me that I have to decide if he dies!!- or lives a life full of pain!!!!?!!?!?!", and that's when I snapped.

"He isn't even my father! My dad's a fucking deadbeat!!! He's the father of the woman I love- I'm lying to the woman I love!!- taking care of her sick dad all day then coming home to her and speaking nothing but lies!!!!!!", every thought, every emotion inside me was now free from me.

Tears streamed down my face, pain in my screams.

"I am lying to the woman I love- I am looking into her eyes every day and telling her these-...fucking life sucking soul eating lies!!!!", "I am tired of making choices that hurt only people!!! I AM SO- FUCKING -....tired", my voice fell as I said my last word.

The doctor stayed completely still and calm as if this were something she had been through before.

"And now.... you're asking me-", I struggled to get the words out, "To either- kill him- or...torture him...", the last two tears I had left fell from my eyes for the last time.

"I am very sorry sir, I understand this can be a difficult decision", I ran my hands through my hair then crossed my arms over my chest.

"When you do need an answer?", my eyes looked to hers, "An hour ago", her eyes saddened a little.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now