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It's been 2 weeks since Eren had disappeared.

The days passed slowly, the weeks felt like years, and the hours felt like a decade. But I kept going, I woke up and went to work. My life continued without him. But it seemed a lot more grey.

All I wanted to do was lay in bed and think about him. But I couldn't do that, I had a job, I had a life. And I had to keep going, no matter how much I wanted to fall apart. I just couldn't...

I texted him everyday, along with one phone call. But the response was always the same.

Deafening silence.

I missed him more than I thought I would. His face didn't leave my mind for a second, it was always lingering. My thoughts belonged to him and him only. I couldn't think about anything else, no matter how hard I tried.

I searched the city just about every free moment I had. I had finally gotten a new car, it was an old 4Runner.

I drove the dark streets, searching for any sign of him.

I never found anything, but I wasn't going to give up on him. I couldn't, I made a promise to him.

I was just about finished with my shift, I had worked the lunch rush today, so I was off earlier than I usually was.

I was going to his parents' house today to see if they had any idea where he might have went. I was scared, terrified. But if this was the ticket to finding him, I would do whatever it took.

"I need a margarita", Bec's tone flat and unbothered, I began to make the drink, neither of us looking at one another.

"Can you guys just make up, the tension is getting worse", Armin stood between us, we both stayed silent. "I don't understand the female mind", he groaned and walked away.

I placed the drink on the tray and walked off quickly.

There was still a lot of tension between Bec and I. This was the longest we hadn't spoken, an entire week. Which we both hated.

But our stubbornness got the best of us, and neither of us refused to make the first step.

Thanks for that dad.

"Armin", I called to him, "What's up I just got sat", he rushed to me. "You giving Bec a ride home?", I asked, his face softened, "Yeah, I think she's staying at my place again".

"Alright, thanks", I smiled and grabbed my keys, "Spence", I stopped, "Just...talk to her...please", he pleaded.

I looked down and bit the inside of my cheek, "Okay", my tone soft.

I pulled up to Eren's parents house. I stared at the massive townhome, it was 3x the size of my dad's, and he was well off. God knows how much money this home costed. No doubt it was a number I hadn't seen before.

I stared at the looming building in front of me. I took a deep breath and told myself that I was going to be fine.

As if it were that easy...

I knocked on the door and straightened my shoulders. I waited for what felt like an eternity. I wanted to sprint off into the road and run as far away as I could. But for some reason, my legs were planted into the concrete below me.

"Hello?", a woman answered the door, she had long dark brown hair, big beautiful brown eyes. A pale complexion with very few wrinkles. But what took my breath away is that she looked just like Eren.

"Hi, I'm Spencer Bradley- I'm a...friend of Eren's", I said, "Oh, hi, I'm Carla Yeager, his mother", she smiled, "Come on in honey".

My lips parted when I took in the massive home.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now