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"You know how to have a good time, I like that", we sat back down at the booth, "Oh yeah?", I grinned and sipped the expensive tequila.

It melted onto my tongue like brown sugar, with a sting of regret and misery. It was liquid candy, gold itself bottled and modeled to taste like perfection.

"You know, I don't really do this", I leaned back on the cold leather, "Do what?", I grinned and looked to the side. "This", I held my arms out, "I fucking hate clubs like this", I let a laugh escape my lips. "Then why are you here?", he analyzed me closely.

"I'm trying to find myself again", my words were quiet, but loud enough for only him to hear. His deep blue eyes narrowed just a little, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, it was barely noticeable.

"In a club like this?", he raised one full dark brow, "You gotta start somewhere". "If I may ask, how did you lose yourself?", he leaned forward slightly, his eyes full of interest as he stared at me deeply. "I was in love with some asshole and became the woman he wanted to see", I sighed lightly, "Not the woman you wanted to see", he finished my words.

"Exactly", I finished the rest of my drink, "We'll, I'd like to stick around and find out who this woman is", he filled my glass, his eyes stealing a glance from mine. "Yeah?", I smiled from his comment, my cheeks burning a bright pink.

"To her", he held up his glass, my smile grew even wider, "To her", our glasses clinked.

"Now, you gonna tell me why you wont answer Bella Hadid's calls? Cause if you won't I will", I watched him closely, he chuckled and looked to the side. "We were having fun, until we weren't", he said flatly, "And are we having fun right now?", "You tell me".

"So far so good", my eyes subtly found his, "Good enough to take you home with me?", "Ask me tomorrow". He chuckled lightly, "I like you Spencer", "How much?", my eyes narrowed just a little. "Why don't I show you?", he proposed, "And how are you gonna do that, hm?", I smirked.

He stood up and held his hand out. I glanced to him, then his hand. There was a moment where time stopped.

And I couldn't deny it. As much as this man made me laugh, smile and blush. Eren's words lingered in the back of my mind. His eyes burned into my memory.

The way he looked at me so intently, the swift words he spoke, always knowing the right thing to say. As much attention as this mysterious man gave me...Eren haunted the back of my mind, begging to be heard and seen as I pushed him further and further away.

So I took his hand.

Because I knew Eren was with another woman right now, specifically his girlfriend. He had someone, and he wasn't thinking about me the way I was thinking about him.

We shoved past he crowd, his hand holding mine tightly, as if he were afraid I would slip away and he wouldn't even notice.

"Levi! Levi! This your new girlfriend!?", the men with the cameras flashing at us yelled, "Levi!? Who is she!?", they pushed and pushed. "Mister popular?", I said loud enough just for him to hear. "Oh hush", his grip on my waist tightened slightly.

He opened the car door for me, I sat in his leather seat. "You have to tell me why these cameras want a damn picture of you", he started the engine, "You really wanna know?", he sighed lightly. "I do", he sped up, "My sister is a model, and my uncle is very important man, which leaves me, the tattoo artist reject who the paparazzi love for some reason", his tone tinted with annoyance.

"I see...bad boy gets all the fame", I said slowly, "Exactly, and I hate it", "I can see that", "Can you now?". "You hate the attention, no matter how many cameras flash at you, you want to punch every single one of them- but you can't, cause you have control", "Control?", he glanced at me.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now