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I was leaving the coffee shop, walking past people on the crowded streets of New York City.

"Spence?", I heard Jean's voice, I looked up and saw him standing in front of me. My eyes met his hazel ones, "Hi Jean", my tone awkward, "I gotta go", I tried to move past him but he stopped me.

"Wait- please", he pleaded, I sighed, "What is it?", I faced him. "I feel bad about...what happened", he looked down, his eyes saddened.

"You're apologizing?", my face stayed flat.

"Yes- I'm sorry", his tone genuine, "Okay, I don't forgive you", I shrugged my shoulders, my eyes cold as they looked into his. "Spencer- I said I was sorry", confusion filled his face, "Yeah, and I do not forgive you Jean".

"I need closure- please", his eyes full of pain, "You want closure Jean?", I stepped closer to him, "Fine".

"The girl you were in love with was the girl you wanted me to be", I paused for a moment, "I changed who I was for who you wanted me to be, I followed your direction- and did everything you asked".

"And it still wasn't enough for you", tears welled in my eyes, "You were never in love with me Jean, you were in love with the idea of me".

"That isn't true", he shook his head, his voice unsure. "There's your closure", I looked him up and down.

"So that's it?", he clenched his jaw, "That's it".

There was a thick silence between us.

"You wait a couple months and you'll see", he leaned closer, his face inched from mine, "You'll never find anyone better than me".

A light laugh through my nose, "Fuck you", I said before I shoved past him.

I heard my phone ring and answered without looking at the name, "What!?", I let all my built up anger out in an instant. "Bad time?", I recognized Levi's voice, I exhaled deeply and a tired smile grew on my face, "Levi".

"No not a bat time at all", I continued to walk as I held my phone to my ear. "So it's tomorrow", he said in a deep tone, his voice sounded even hotter over the phone. "It is isn't it?", I looked up at the sky.

"So what'll it be Spencer?", he paused for a moment, "You gonna be mine tonight?", he asked, which caused my cheeks to turn a bright pink. "Just tonight?", I bit my lip, "Doesn't have to be just tonight".

"But I know you don't like tomorrow", my grin grew wider, "See you tonight Levi", I said before I hung up the phone.

I shut my apartment door and leaned back on it, my phone hanging in my hand.

I opened my laptop and decided to write a bit to pass the time.

Love and infatuation.

Two emotions that felt so similar, but were two entirely different things. You ask anyone and they'll have a different answer for what each one means.

But if you ask me.

Infatuation is what consumes the body, and love is what consumes the mind and body.

It's the slightest difference but means so much more.

With infatuation. Two people enamored by one another. Unable to keep their hands off one another. Yes, their minds were captivated by the other, but that didn't last with infatuation. You see, their bodies were so consumed, their minds weren't able to catch up.

Infatuation begins with touch, and also ends with it.

And love, a deeper stronger connection.

Something you only experience once or twice in your life if you're lucky. Love took your mind first, it ate away any thought of common sense of sanity. Like a bee sucking the honey from a flower for the first time.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now