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Josette Olivia Saltzman has loved Landon Kirby since days she couldn't even remember. She always liked the thought of him. Her dad even said that she should go after him because Alaric always loved the thought of the two. He planned their wedding every since the two were just babies.

The brunette wasn't much of a big fan in trying new things because she had her life set off from the day she turned 2, both Landon and Josie having a Cory and Topanga type of relationship. The only man—well the only person the brunette really saw as someone she would grow old with.

Everything was perfect. Josette, also known as Josie, was living the best life she could ask for, now that her boyfriend was finally hers, her grades were excellent, and she had both her parents in her life.. as if she thought anything couldn't get any better, she was elected class president. Nothing was stopping Josie from making her way to the top.

Nothing but— "what's landscape doing talking to that girl over there?" Lizzie asked as she walked up to her sister who was in a sorta gaze at the already pair.

Josie shut her locker and turned to face Lizzie "I have no idea, but I do trust him with whatever he's doing.. I trust him more than anyone actually." Josie cringed at her own statement because it sound so..wrong.

The blonde rolled her eyes before she started to walk off. The brunette quickly followed along with her sister as they made their way to class. "So, did you hear what daddy said?" Lizzie asked as she chewed on her bottom lip.

Josie squinted her eyes with a small eyebrow raise "no, but I assume that you will tell me?" Josie asked as she shifted her books into the next pair of her arms.

Lizzie patted Josie's shoulder "I'm glad you know. Dad said that we have a new student coming here, better yet, it's a mikaelson!" Lizzie squealed.

"It's?—And why would you care for a mikaelson coming to this school? Aren't they like well-known? Wouldn't that take the popularity from us?" Josie questioned with an unsure look.

Lizzie only shrugged as they approached their class. "Doubt it, we own this school, if anything we would be the ones that take all of their popularity and we can all be friends, there's no harm in that" the blonde walked off and sat at her seat.

Josie was about to take a seat when she felt hands take hers. "Hey honey, we should go sit down before the teacher starts the class" landon pulls Josie to a table before she got to answer it.

Okay.. so maybe comparing the two to Cory and Topanga was the worst idea. Cory and topanga were cute, iconic. Josie and landon.. they're something..


After school Josie had football practice, she wasn't too big on sports but she did like football, it was the only thing that she was good at.

Coach Lynn was going to give them a hard day seeing as yesterday they wasn't really doing what they were supposed to had done.

"Why do you enjoy football so much?" Landon groaned as he threw his book bag onto his back.

Josie rolled her eyes "I like the feeling." Josie admits before she pecked her boyfriend on the cheek and ran to the field.

Landon didn't like sports just as Josie but Landon also didn't like football which wasn't as much as a big deal but when Josie was always sweaty, he wanted nothing to do with her. Josie thought this was a joke at first until she realized over the time that she had to separate football and Landon.

The boy would always walk Josie there and leave, he never stayed to watch her play. He never offered to take her home because she was too musty. He never even got her something to drink just in case Josie was dehydrated or seconds away from passing out. The boy obviously didn't care and that wasn't much of a problem until Josie started to see some of the signs.

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