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Standing at the frame of the dining room was an angry Hope. Josie stood to the side of her, she wasn't mad or anything because she didn't know what was going on.

'Who is Roman? Why did Hope seem so angry at the mention of him.' The brunette asked herself, it bothered her so much and she didn't know why it did, if she was being honest.

Klaus had a smile on his face, tight lipped smile at that. When he turned to see his daughter his smiled remained but as his eyes glanced over at Josie, he realized that he made the worst mistake in all mistakes for dads.

—"father, can I have a word with you." Hope held a fake smile. "Alone." Her voice was more colder than usual.

Klaus sighed and nodded. "We'll be right back, you guys don't start dinner without us." He said calmly.

As the father and daughter duo left the dining room, Josie turned over to her aunts in law and she smiled. "Hey, everything smells good." The brunette assured.

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!—" Josie heard Hope yelling from the hall. The brunette shifted awkwardly before scratching the back of her head.

The oldest blonde didn't realize the awkwardness until she spotted Roman, the women had been so lost in thought about finding a school for nik to attend to that she hardly noticed the sudden tension.

Kol on the other hand was having a laugh, he couldn't stop eating his grapes and looked between hopes ex and hopes wife. There was going to be drama, and kol was so ready for it. "So, why don't we all get seated at the dinner table." Keelin chipped in.

The menace of a mikaelson flickered between an smile and grin. "If you must insist." He says before taking a seat at the dining table instead of standing in the door frame.

Before you know it, henrik had walked in. "Hello everyone, I'm smitten to see you all." Henrik smirked.

Josie looked at the mikaelson and she was more than confused, she's never seen him before. With the manors of the mikaelson—by marriage—she walked up to henrik and she gestured her hand out before moving the strings of hair in her face to the back of her ear "hello, sir, I'm Josette, uh, Josette M-Mikaelson, it's nice to meet you."

The youngest mikaelson sibling smiled and then looked over at kol and his sisters before looking over at Roman.

Suddenly henriks, smile dropped. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Henrik asked as he stormed up to the dirty blonde haired boy but marcel was quick to jump in and hold Henrik back. "I think you should let me go marcel, or I'll kick your ass with his." Henrik threatened with nothing but anger in his eyes.

"Everyone calm down! Put the butcher knife down!" Hayley demanded to kol who was slowly trying to sneak Henrik the knife.

The brunette looked over at Josie and she walked over and gave her a hug. "I'm so sorry if the family is too much to handle, I promise once you get use to it then you wouldn't have any problem with them." Hayley says as Josie hugged back.

"Thank you for this, mrs.mikaelson, I needed this." The young brunette whispered.

Both women pulled away and Hayley glared at the rest of her family. "You all sit the hell down and eat what I prepared!" Hayley demanded.

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "This is none sense, you guys are going to scare the poor girl." The blonde walked over and sat down in one of the chairs. "Are you scared?" She asked Josie.

The girl shook her head and walked over to sit right across from Rebekah. The rest of the family started to make their way over to sit at the table. It was until then when Roman pushed his luck, he pulled out the chair that sat right in between, an empty chair and Josie. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked

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