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"Get your head in the game, saltzman!" The coach yelled.

Here was the last practice before they lead into the new season games, it was something that Josie was looking forward to.

Practice was some place that she could get away from life, she was the only one that actually tried her best when it came to on field, real game, and on field , practice. Today just wasn't her day.. who is she kidding, this whole week wasn't her week.

The auburn haired girl noticed the change in Josie and she was a bit confused, Josie was the only person she knew that was as good as her in the sport of football, and some how this week made Hope question just that.

"I'm trying coach! Give me a break!" Josie yelled as she threw the ball to the ground.

The brunette was missing at least every ball that was thrown to her, she was going out of style and it was mainly because she was stressed, and mainly because of a little someone that started with an 'H' and ended with 'ope'.

"Here Josie, take a break." Hope says before she handed Josie her last water.

Josie shook her head. "Hope, you bring 3 waters here everyday, you already drunk 2 and I know this must be your last water. I can't take that from you, I'll just go to the water fountain." Josie assured before she wiped the sweat from her forehead with her shirt.

Hope sighed and put her water down. "I don't know what's the matter with you but we need to solve this."

"How are we going to solve this Hope? I have zero ideas of how I can be fixed and I'm honestly thinking about quitting the team." Josie ran her fingers through her hair.

Some people gasped and Hope looked around before pulling Josie over to the bleachers. "What do you mean quit?" Hope asked as soon as they got there.

Josie took her arm back and she sat down on the bleachers. "I can't do this anymore hope, football was supposed to be my stress free card and now it's stressful, everything I do since I've broke up with Landon is only taking the worst effect now."

"Why do you think this?" Hope asked as she sat beside her.

Josie sighed "Landon was always the reason that I was stressful and I would go here and be away from him and stuff, that always brought me relief and joy. Now that my life has no worries in it, I'm all good, I'm no longer worried about a thing in the world."

Hope took that in, she knew Josie loved football but she just didn't know how she could get the girl to stay or something, so it can be less stressful for her. "Maybe you need to be challenged." Hope offered.

"No, that will only bring me more stress about being the best." Josie assured as she threw her head back, she then groaned and shook her head. "I'm screwed."

Hope shook her head and forwarded her hand to take Josie's. The brunette looked up towards Hope and raised her eyebrow.

"I think what you need is to get back in the game, I say tonight I pick you up, and we can come back here and work on some practices, after we can go get dinner because I don't know how long it's going to take for you to master the whole plan." Hope pointed out as she drew circles around Josie's palms.

Josie smiled and nodded "thank you hope, you are such a big help." The brunette muttered.

Blue meet with brown while heat waved through the air. The blue shinning like the glosses of the ocean while, the brown drowning like a fountain of steamed chocolate. Both girls eyes were fixed on each other and the whole field had suddenly disappeared.

Hope felt connected with Josie more than she ever did with just a little bit of eye contact, Hope was now feeling tempestuous.

Josie, well, poor little jo had mixed feelings shooting through out her body, feelings telling her to look away, telling her to stop whatever they were doing before they ruined the moment, or worst.. their friendship for the 3rd time. The other part of her body was inching to touch more of Hope.

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