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Josie walked up to Landon's house with still the huge headache she had last night.

When Josie knocked at the door, Landon jumped out of his bed. He had a real fun time that night and it was time he dealt with the consequences.

When Landon didn't answer, Josie took out the key from his mat and unlocked his door. When she walked in all she saw was red cups poured all over the place.

There was a couple of girls laying down on Landon's coach but Josie didn't think much into it. She stepped over a couple of gross things on the floor before she walked upstairs.

"Landon!" She called as she got closer to his room.

Landon got up and searched around his room looking for his clothes. He didn't get done in time and Josie walked in on him.

Josie gasped and she took a step back "what the fuck are doing in here.. naked?" The brunette asked

Landon covered himself with a pillow and his eyes widen. "Josie, I'm so sorry, it's not what it looks like" Landon promised

Josie scoffed "so what is it? Another drunken mistake?" Josie crossed her arms

Landon shook his head "yes, but it won't happened again Josie, I promise it was just a mistake" Landon swore.

Josie let out a sarcastic chuckle "that's what you said last time, you know what was really a mistake? Being with you, I don't know why do I force myself everyday trying to make things work with you when you don't even want this, you don't want us at all." Josie was tired and sick of it.

"You know what, I thought I would feel sad and sick to my stomach that you've done this but I don't. I just hate you, and your parents should have just left you on the sheets." Josie spat out and ran out of the room.

Landon sighed "JOSIE WAIT!" He called out but Josie was out of reach and he wasn't going to run down the stairs, ass naked.

He looked over to his bed and the 'girl' started to stretch. "Landon?"

Landon mentally punched himself. He brought his fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose "now isn't the time, Wade."  


Hope was wondering what was taking Josie so long to get to her own house. She was sure that the girl had left already and she would be there, in any moment but she was wrong.

"Okay hope, you can just work on the garden for the rest of the hour, there's no need for you to do anything else, and if you get hungry I have some left overs in the fridge and some salad if you would like. I'm not going to be here because I have a couple of meetings to manage." Caroline explained as she handed Hope a paper listed with all the seeds to plant.

Hope nodded "yes ma'am, everything will be all ready and done by tomorrow so I can work on remodeling your front yard."

Caroline smiled "I'm glad that you understand, I would have had to repeat this over and over to many people for them to understand." Caroline admits with an eye roll.

Soon the older blonde got a call "I have to take this" she excused herself. When she stepped into the next room, Josie was just getting home.

Hope thought she looked Stunning as ever but if we were all being honest the girl looked like shit. You could tell she been crying and that she ran there by how dirty and damaged her clothing were.

Josie closed the house door and turned around to see Hope. She jumped a bit before taking a deep breath. She knew the girl would be there but it's been hours, what was she still there for.

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