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Hope was trying to contact Josie but the girl wasn't able to be reached. Hope wondered what was going on with her.

The auburn haired girl just set aside all those thoughts and she had to get ready for another flight to New Orleans the day prior and that was already so much that she could handle.

"Hey melio!" Hope said in a baby voice.

The yorkie jumped up and down and ran off to hope. The puppy was so excited to see hope.

"Hey buddy! Are you hungry?" Hope asked as if the dog would reply to her.

The auburn haired girl looked over at her phone that she placed on the counter to see Jen calling her. What could the girl want now?


"So all my work that I've done was for nothing?" Lizzie asked as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Josie groaned "what the hell do you mean all your work?" The brunette asked following an eyebrow raise.

"Y'all find out soon, in the meantime, why aren't you with Hope? I thought since you two got married that you would be getting your freak on." Lizzie winked

Josie rolled her eyes "freak on? Please tell me what kind of saying is that? And who the fuck still says that?" The mikaelson women asked

"Listen, you are ruining my time, you have an hot wife—please know that I would never say that again—in New York by herself, probably sitting around bored, there's so many things you can be doing to her right now.. not that I want to know because I obviously don't but you should go and get your girl" Lizzie said desperately.

Josie shook her head "it's not like high school Lizzie, I can't just go up and go down the street and admit my undying love for her, she lives miles away and I'm not just going to go and find the nearest airport and fly out to hope." She shifted from one side to the next.

"Why the hell not?"

"Because that's insane, and where would I find some cheap airport ticket in the first place? This whole idea is crazy." Josie scratched the back of her head.

Lizzie smirked "well you're talking to the captain of the ship, you should be happy that I always have a backup plan for you both." Lizzie grinned as she walked over to her dresser.

Lizzie opened up the dresser "always."

Josie rolled her eyes as her twin gave her a whole bunch of money. The brunette shook her head and placed the money back in the dresser, "what do I look like taking money from you?" Josie scoffed

Lizzie rolled her eyes and picked the money back up "you look like a unfortunate hoe." Josie glared at her and pushed the money away. "Correction, stupid unfortunate hoe, because obviously if you were smart you would take the money and get your ass down there in New York."

Josie walked over to the door. "The answer is no, I'm going back home, and I'm going to find comfort in my bed and then I'm going to sleep." The brunette says before leaving out the room.

Lizzie sighed, her plan was going to work one way or another.

Jen then walked into the room. "Hey baby, I just saw your sister leaving out, is everything okay?" Jen asked

Lizzie smiled and nodded "everything is perfect, it's just these idiots are taking my help for granted."

"Babe, I told you not to get in the mix with them, now look at what you got yourself into. This has become beyond insane, next thing you know it you're going to pull an Luisa and some how go to the doctors and get them to fertilize your sister, with hopes baby, knowing you, anything is possible." Jen ranted on.

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