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It was finally Friday which meant, football game, which also meant, Landon's party.

Landon was a guy known for his popularity. Of course he only had popularity because of, Josie, but he was still known for dating one of the hottest girls in school.

The boy never took that for granted, because dating Josie was all he needed in life. If it wasn't for the brunette than he wouldn't be one of the hottest boys in school.

Without Josie, no one would look his way, not that he should care, the only women he should care about was Josie.

For a while in life, he did care about Josie. He cared only for Josie, that was until he got himself mixed up with feelings that he wasn't ready to spread out yet. He wasn't ready to get bullied for the way he felt and that's more of the reason he had to keep this secret, well, his and Alaric's secrets.

Enough about the boy who is crushing hopes heart right now, the most important thing was Hope right now.

The auburnette was seconds away from jumping off a cliff and dying on her problems. She had to contribute to her first football game at her new school and her family was coming to watch her.

This wouldn't have been a big deal for others but hopes family never came to a game, so if they were there then she had to be her best and there couldn't be no distractions. Not one single distraction.

Hayley has been to many games but Klaus hasn't, he's always been too busy and now with hopes aunts and uncles, she don't know how to feel.

The auburnette girl was still trying to get her thoughts together. She was sitting on the bench located in the girls locker room. The girl had her hands over her head as she already began to sweat.

Josie noticed this and she shut her locker and walked over to the older girl. "Hey, are you okay?" Josie asked

Hope kept her face planted in her palms as she clenched her eyes shut as she heard the voice echos of Josie. "Leave me alone right now, Josette" Hope calmly said.

Josie shook her head before sitting down next to Hope. "I'm here for you if you need me hope," Josie whispered to Hope.

Hope mumbled a quick "just leave me alone"

Every inch in Josie's body was telling her to leave Hope alone, and to respect hopes wishes but then that small bit told her not to, and that's the part she listened to. The younger girl decided to hug Hope.

Hope wasn't a fan of touching so she pushed Josie away but only to meet eyes with the brunette and pull her back in for a full hug.

Josie was a little taken back because it all happened in one second but Josie didn't hesitate to hold onto Hope as tight as she could. Josie loved the feeling of being in hopes arms. It was some feeling that you could never get away from.

Josie was quickly brought back to life when she heard the sniffles leaving the older girl. Josie pulled away and cupped hopes face and search the auburnette's blue eyes.

Hope tried her best not to look into Josie's chocolate brown eyes but she couldn't resist. When they did meet eyes Hope frowned even more.

Josie whole body softened up before she stood up from the bench. "EVERYONE GET THE HELL OUT OF THE LOCKER ROOM!" Josie yelled

Everyone groaned "where are we suppose to get ready then?" One of the girls asked

Josie pointed towards the showers, "everyone already took a shower so, if you need to get dressed and you haven't already, then that's your fault. Find a bathroom and change" Josie crossed her arms.

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