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The auburn haired girl helped the brunette pull down her shirt as she pulled her in and placed another kiss to the girls lips.

"You know hope, I could very much do this myself." Josie muttered against hopes lips as the girl finished helping her put on her clothes.

The auburn haired girl shook her head "I don't think it's necessary, I'm a big girl, how hard is it to put on some clothing?" Josie asked as she watched Hope put on her shirt.

"I feel as if, people want you when your all good, just like we help each other get undressed but when you're fucked, then no one wants to help you out anymore. So every time, and I mean every time, I'm going to help you get dressed after I get you undressed, because moral of the story is, when you're fucked or in a tight situation, I'm going to be there no matter what." Hope muttered the last part as she placed a small kiss to Josie's cheek.

The brunette couldn't help but to smile, she loved how Hope describe a cute moment into an everyday life thing.

"You're really adorable." Josie says as she cupped the older girls face. The shorter girl used her tippy toes to reach up and place another quick peck to her wife's lips.

Hope scrunched her nose. "I'm not adorable! Nothing about me is adorable, so stop it." She hissed as she finally finished getting dressed.

The brunette walked over to the door. "I have a thing to get to, but I'll be back to take you out tonight, wear something fancy, only if you'll like." Josie pointed out as she chewed on her bottom lip.

"Is the Josette saltzman taking me out on a date?" Hope questioned as she walked over to the door. "I thought it was my thing to ask you out."

Josie glared at her wife and crossed her arms. "Stop calling me that." The taller girl hissed.

Hope raised her eyebrow. "Calling you what?" She asked out of confusion.

"Calling me a saltzman, I'm a mikaelson, and you need to get it right, say it with me.. Josette."

"Josette" Hope repeated

"Olivia." Josie dropped her hands down to her side.

"Olivia." Hope repeated once again.

"Lucas." The brunette placed her hands onto her wife's hips.

Hope eyes dropped down to her wife's lips. "Lucas." She repeated in a whisper.

"Mikaelson." Josie concluded.

Hope smirked and leaned in to place another kiss on Josie's lips but the girl was stopped when Josie's index finger cut her off. "Say it!" Josie voice was glossed in a warning tone.

"Josette Olivia Lucas Mikaelson, can I have another kiss now?" Hope asked.

Josie nodded and smiled before pulling her wife in for a quick peck. "Like I said, adorable." She winked before leaving out of the office.

Hope loved when Josie teased her even if she wouldn't admit to it.

As she placed her last piece of information on her desk she started to make her way to the door. When she turned the lights off and locked her office door she knew that the next time she would be in this office would be a different scenario, she'll most likely be back to pack her things and move in with Josie or she'll be back with nothing but smiles on her face that her wife had moved in with her.


After getting dressed Hope put on her necklace and she turned to melio who was laying down on his bed.

"Do you think this looks good on me?" Hope asked melio as he just sat there with his head on his paws. "I know it doesn't, I'll go change." Hope says before she turned around to got to her closet but Josie stood at the door.

The brunette raised her eyebrows and smiled "I think you look so beautiful." Josie commented. "And you don't need to change at all." She admits.

Hope was a little startled at the girl but she quickly hide the surprised expression. "When did you get in here—actually, how did you get in here?" Hope questioned.

"Well, you live with residents downstairs to open up your door, I just told them that I was your wife and I showed them a picture of us, wasn't that hard to get in, which is a problem because that makes me think that anyone can get in." Josie admits as she played with the pendant around her neck.

Hope glanced down at it but she didn't say anything. They both shared the millionth kiss for the day. "I think we should get going before our reservations is up." Josie admits as she intertwined their hands.

"Yeah, you're right." Hope says before quickly waving goodbye to melio and heading out of the door.

God did it feel amazing to have your wife around, well in hopes case it did, she loved every moment with her wife.

You could even say that she was so much in love to the point where she was whipped.

Showing up at the place was both wives. They already made their way to their table and sat down.

After ordering their food they couldn't help but feel things faces heated up. "I'm really glad that you brought me here, you don't know how happy I am to be here." Hope spoke up.

Josie nodded "You don't know how happy I am to be with you, and your smile is really making tonight so special."

"If I didn't know any better I would say that you're about to propose to me or something, saltzman." Hope teased.

Josie rolled her eyes "mikaelson." She corrected.

Hope smiled "mikaelson." She repeated as their drinks came to the table. "So, why did you want to take me out here? This place is so fucking fancy that I don't think I could even afford it." Hope joked.

The brunette took a deep sigh "I talked with my family and we talked about the fact that I am grown enough to make my own decisions and that I shouldn't let them hold me back on what I really want so I'm moving out here, all this week I'll be doing traveling to get everything I have and move in with you, only if you would allow me too." Josie chewed at her bottom lip.

Hope face heated up, she couldn't believe this. "Of course you could live with me, you don't know how happy I am to hear this, god I was waiting for this moment." Hope admits excitedly.

"Now we can finally attempted our fate at a happily ever after," Josie says as she took a sip of her drinking.

"Cheers to us..Mrs.mikaelson." Hope held out her drink.

"To us, Ms.Mikaelson." Josie smiled brightly.


And with that, Josie closed the book, she placed it to the side and sighed. "I'm glad that you all had a wonderful read and if you didn't than I hope you do when we prepare for the second part of "He's Not You"." The brunette smiled at her book mates.

"I really like what you've done with this book Josette, it's simply one of the best books that I've read in a long time and even though I didn't agree with the whole making a character based on you, and I had a hard time with the lgbtq+ thing you were bringing to the table, I really liked how it was grouped together. Hopefully one day I'll be able to read book 2, if you get to it." One of Josie's book mates spoke.

The other boom mate sighed "I wouldn't read book 2, I heard it was guaranteed that it will have an angsty ending and that Hope died, the one that she portrayed in the books. I am not a fan of angsty endings." She admits.

Josie sighed but before she could speak up a voice cut her off. "Now why would part 2 have an angsty ending?" The voice asked as Josie looked up to see her auburn haired wife. "One, Hope, who is I, is still alive, and Two, who wouldn't like a good book about the adventures in adding onto the mikaelsons." Hope says before she sat on the edge of the couch and rubbed Josie's belly.

The book mates gasped "no way.. you're..." they trailed off.

"Yup, and that's more of so why I became a writer, because it's not much you could do just sitting in the house with a yorkie and built in Alexa everywhere you go, while your wife is at work. If I made this book out of boredom, imagine what I can make if I actually tried." Josie let out a soft chuckle.

"All goes well, in the hands of mikaelsons, plus the book was amazing, I guess the moral of the story was that, every guy Josie was with, Just wasn't me." Hope placed a soft kiss onto Josie's temple.

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