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You're a dork
You're a dork
You're a dork

Hope found herself writing another letter that day and she was not feeling very good, she wasn't mad at her uncle but if he hadn't walked in on them then what would have happened?

Would hope had liked the turning results, anyways? She found herself questioning everything. She reposed herself onto the bed and thought about resting, of course it was only 7 in the day but if Hope stayed up then she would only be left with her thoughts and everyone knows that Hope can't be left with thoughts, especially gay ones.


Henrik grabbed a tome and held it with the a tight grip in his hands, he swung the book against Kol's shoulder. Kol groaned in pain as he flipped henrik off.

"What the fuck?" Kol asked as he still rubbed over the bruise that was caused by the tome.

Keelin covered niks ears and shushed kol up. "Don't you dare say things like that around my son, if he pick up on such things I will kill you" keelin threatened as kol looked over at freya for help.

The blonde shrugged her shoulders "I can't help you, whatever my wife says, is what ever goes." Freya clarified.

Kol rolled his eyes "whipped" he muttered so no one could hear.

"Okay, why are we beating up, kol? And when will it be my turn?" Rebekah asked as she walked in with red wine.

Henrik tilted his head and held his arms in the back of him. "Kol here ruined a kiss, Hope was upstairs with the very girl that she likes and then pissy boy thought it would be a good idea to walk in on it and it didn't happen" henrik was more angrier than Hope.

"Okay, first off, I was going to leave, second I didn't ruin much anyways, they seemed to be experiencing more than just a kiss, why would I wait until they kiss and then leave, the door was going to cause a sound either way" kol pointed out.

Nik jumped down from the couch with his iPad. "Uncle kol, is a bad man!" Nik put on his angry face. All the mikaelsons were in awe to notice Hope appearance. The girl didn't know what was going on so she just slid herself into the kitchen without anyone noticing.

"I'm sorry, what can I ever do to repay you, sir nik?" Kol asked as he knelt down.

Nik pressed his finger to his chin and then looked over in hopes direction before he walked over and whispered something in his uncle ear. He had something big planned for Hope.

Kol was confused on how he was going to make this happen, he looked over at Hayley and the brunette raised her eyebrow out of confusion. "What?" She asked

Before he could explain what was going on, he got a call from a blocked number, he answered it. "Hello, this is the very charming kol mikaelson speaking, how may I help you?" He asked

Hope walked into the living room with a water bottle as she took a sip. Nik smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up before he ran over to her. Hope picked him up and placed a soft kiss onto his forehead.

Kol felt his heart sting. "What the hell are you saying?" He asked as he caught every mikaelson in the room attention.

"What's wrong?" Klaus asked as he stepped up near his younger brother.

Kol scoffed "there's no fucking way," he turned to nik "sorry for the language" he whispered before he hung up the phone. "You think you could watch nik while we go out and back to New Orleans?" Kol asked hope.

Freya and keelin looked over at him and raised their eyebrows "I know you all have questions, but all that matters is that davina is in the hospital and she suffered from a ton of blood lost, and she was pregnant so we may have lost this child, if we can get down there, we can be met with Finn and sage." Kol explained as he grabbed his coat.

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