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"We're going on our honey moon tomorrow night, so we can get everything situated with Jenna." Lizzie says as she took a bite of her strawberries.

Jen nodded "yup, I'm going to go pick her up right now, that way she can spend all day with us today before we go away for the week." The red haired girl says as she grabbed her keys and headed out.

The blonde then turned back over to her sister who was pacing around in her room. "You better be dying from the most rarest and fucked up disease or so help me I will kill you with an extension cord!" Lizzie threatened before getting up from the couch.

Josie ran her hands through her hair. "Me and Hope are married, as of yesterday."

Lizzie rolled her eyes "we had to share a womb together and now we have to share a wedding day together, what the hell." She shook her head.

Josie groaned "LIZZIE! I'm being so for real, how is this going to work when I'm with Brayden and Hope and I aren't even a thing, we don't even have that type of love for each other." The brunette assured

"Oh—boo—fucking—hoo! You meet the girl of your dreams at the age of 16! The age of fucking 16 and then you are too dumb enough to make a move because your coward of an ass was scared of dad! Well the homophobic fucker, is dead, 6 feet under, smoking with ashes, so tell me josette, what are you going to do?" Lizzie asked as she crossed her arms.

Josie took a deep breath and sighed "I'm going to get a divorce and move on with my life, I'll tell Brayden everything that happened so he won't think I'm some lying cheater." Josie assured before she grabbed her jacket.

The blonde shook her head "yeah because telling your now boyfriend that you actually have a wife but plan to divorce her makes a lot of sense."

"When you put it that way it sounds bad! You're forgetting the part where I told you that it was an accident, I didn't marry Hope on purpose, it's just what I did under the influence of liquor." Josie assured.

The blonde smiled. "I can't wait until my nieces and/or nephews here about the tragic story of their mothers. I hope you know that getting a divorce won't be so easy, and you are just 1 step closer to being the next Ross Geller." Lizzie admits as she walked over to the mini fridge.

"Oh don't compare me to him, I'm going to have one divorce and this divorce is a ross and Rachel thing, except there will be no baby Emma." Josie assured as she sat down on the couch.

Lizzie nodded "sure, I wouldn't want my niece to be named Emma anyways," Lizzie opened up a beer. "I would offer you some but last time you had these types of liquids in your body, you went and got married, wouldn't want you to get drunk off of an beer and going to look for a sperm donor for you and Hope." Lizzie sarcastically yawned.

Josie glared "haha. You aren't funny."

"I'm sure this donor would have the nice green eyes, that looks like the nice and fresh grass that everyone walks on, and then the hair has to be some what close to red right? Don't get me started on the fact that the donor might have to be short, so it's almost like that stack of pancakes that you call your wife." Lizzie took another sip of her beer.

"That's not happening, no one is going to a donor and I'm not staying married to hope for long, plus if anything the donor would have ocean blue eyes with auburn hair, the height doesn't matter of course." Josie pouts because she was realizing that she was entertaining her sister and her games.

The blonde smirked "okay, to be honest, I didn't take you as the type to get married off of a one night stand, you don't even do those if I'm being honest with you, and I also hope—no pun intended—you know that Hope's going to want to stay married to you."

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