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The auburn haired girl looked over at her dad who was giving her some type of lecture. She wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying because her mind was so kept on Josie, she felt bad for trying to basically force Josie into outing herself.

Of course Hope wanted to be with her but she didn't want it to be like that, she wanted Josie to tell her parents on her own time but a feeling in her got all controlling..maybe it's the feeling of wanting to be with someone so badly.

Soon the door bell rung and then the door opened. "I'm here! I'm here!" Nik announced.

Hope smiled "hey boss man, what are you doing here?" Hope asked as she looked over at her cousin.

"I'm not done talking with you hope, this is a serious matter." Klaus crossed his arms.

Nik pouts. "Can you be mad at her later? I want to spend time with Hope!" Nik begged.

Klaus sighed "okay, we'll talk about this later, maybe this Wednesday, I have a business trip starting tonight, so we can't talk about it until then." Klaus admits before he pecked Hope on the forehead.

Hope smiled as she gave nik a high-five.

Klaus then grabbed his briefcase and left out. The auburn haired girl turned over to her cousin and she gave him a thumbs up.

"Don't thank me so much, I can't stay the night because mommy and momma said no but I am here to remake them cupcakes! I figured you ate them all."

"It was stress eating!" Hope groaned before she walked into the kitchen. "I don't think I can help you with this whole making cupcake thing anyways, you know I can't cook." Hope admits.

Nik groaned and plopped onto the couch, "Well you are going to learn, no one ask you to eat my mommies snacks! if you don't cook it..then I guess you'll have to call up Josie...wouldn't you?" Nik grinned

Hope glared before the door bell rung. The mikaelson girl walked over to the door and when she opened it she was surprised with Josie.

Hope scratched the back of her neck. "Hi, uhh..Josie what are you doing here?" The shorter girl asked

The brunette stumbled on her words and she was at lost of thought. She had been staring at the girl for so long that she completely forgot the reason she was there.

"Jo...Josie?" Hope called out as she waved her hand in Josie's face.

The taller girl wanted to cross her arms and put on her most bravest face but yet her arms remained at her sides. "Hello, Hope, I came here because I needed to talk to you." Josie voice was uncertain.

Hope nodded "okay, we can talk. Come in." Hope says before the younger girl stepped in and the older girl shut the door.

Nik saw Josie there and his face lit up. "I will go watch tv or something." He says before he took hopes phone and ran upstairs.

Josie smiled "he's so adorable."

Hope shoved her hands in her pockets "I know..but I'm sure you didn't come here for that." The auburn haired girl pointed out.

Josie briefly nodded her head before her face heated up. "Yes..right..I came here because I wanted to tell you how I felt and I thought you had the right to know this—"

"No..Josie I'm not going to do this again, I can't have you tell me this...and I'm sure I'm not ready for a relationship right now. Besides, I wouldn't want to get all stuck over you and I rather not." Hope gulped as she patted Josie on the shoulder.

"Hope I understand where you are coming from but I wanted to talk.. meaning I wanted the chance to tell you something." Josie says as Hope paused waiting for Josie's response and Josie caught on. "I don't want to lose you as my friend and I don't want to lose you at all, you get me..I like that you get me, and I don't want to stop being your friend because of some misunderstanding and now that I know you aren't looking for a relationship—which I'm not even out of the toxic one I'm in now—I feel more relieved and kinda betrayed because I had this whole speech for that." Josie ranted on.

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