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Landon's parties was always known for 2 things. One, it was the best parties in history of parties because they knew how to get into some real shit. Another reason that the parties was well known was because there was no chance of them getting caught by the police or parents.

Landon's brother, Clarke, is the sheriff so if Landon got an complaint then they were easily dismissed by Clarke.

Parents weren't a problem because Landon never knew his dad and his mother was always out of town, just like now. You could probably say he had mommy and daddy issues.

With a little help from Clarke, Landon had as much liquor as he needed, and beyond that.

The party was going to start in about 5 minutes and lots of people was showing up, they just needed that one person to make the party itself, but she was still home as of the moment.

"Are you going to the party?" Lizzie asked her sister as she walked into her twin's room.

Josie nodded her head "why wouldn't I be going to the party? I mean it is my boyfriend who's hosting it" Josie pointed out as she applied a bit of makeup to her face.

Lizzie rolled her eyes "no need to be sassy, I was just asking because I wanted you to meet Jen and the squad" Lizzie admits.

Josie paused for a moment and looked over at Lizzie. "What squad?" She asked sounding a bit befuddled.

"Uhh, well, there's Jen, Jed, maya and Hope" Lizzie whispered the last part so it could go unheard by her brunette sisters ears.

"Repeat that last part, Jen, Jed, maya and who?" Josie asked before she continued to apply make up to her face.

Lizzie let out a deep sigh "Hope. Jen, Jed, maya and hope. But I promise you that it's just a support group" Lizzie admits

Josie chuckled a bit "you and Hope don't even like each other, I wonder how long this is going to last" Josie shrugged her shoulders.

It was Lizzie turn to chuckle "you don't have to be all mean because you think that's the way for getting what you want. I can promise you that you are the only one that wants Hope, between us girls." Lizzie patted Josie on the shoulder and left.

Josie rolled her eyes. The girl couldn't bare the thought of being with Hope. She felt as if it would ruin everything, not only will it be a sin but her father would never forgive her, she doesn't know how her mother would react and she damn sure will not be suffering the pains of being called names such as in Josie's case a dyke.

Not that Josie put some thought into it, because she wasn't feeling things for a girl at all, well that's what she told herself. Plus, Josie didn't want to go opening up her box of truths because in those truths, there's feelings and taking a dive into those feelings will only leave you confusion or heartbreak—okay.. so maybe there is like a 30% chance that it will all go well but with Josie's luck, she would rather be straight and she would rather keep that inner girl in her that's screaming to be let out, and that same girl that wants her voice to be heard and to tell the world how she really feels, she wants those feelings to be kept all in.

As much thought that could be put into this, Josie couldn't do it, she couldn't sit here and think of her feelings and who she really wanted because her feelings weren't important to her. Her feelings was at the bottom of her list because she couldn't deal with the hatred from her father, she couldn't deal with anything because—she was so scared.

As Josie placed her last touch of make up on her face. She hovered her fingers over herself in the mirror. Josie felt.. different. She didn't really use makeup, it was only for certain occasions but she knew that Landon would most likely like it and that's why she did it. She did everything for Landon, to make him happy, she had to make him happy because that's what she was raised to do. Sitting in a sand box at the age of 2 her first words were most likely: make Landon happy.

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