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Josie and Hope decided to take it back to hopes house to discuss about what the information they just received. Both girls were so wrecked and out of place, they didn't know what they were going to do.

As they stepped up to the door, Hope opened it and nik ran straight to the sink to wash his hands. "Need help there buddy?" Hope asked regarding him being too short to reach the sink.

Nik shook his head "no, I'm a big boy and I can do it on my own." Nik assured as he grabbed the stool from the pantry and put it by the sink to wash his hands.

"I'm going to go take a shower, can you watch over him until I get back?" Hope asked as she looked over at Josie.

The brunette smiled and nodded "of course, I would love too." Josie says

The auburn haired girl smiled and then ran upstairs. Nik then shut the water off and then got off the stool. He took the paper towel, and wiped his hands.

"Hey buddy, what do you want to do until your cousin come back?" Josie asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Nik smiled before he walked over to Josie. "I'm a man, there's no need to call me buddy" he attempted a wink but winded up blink both his eyes.

Josie giggled because she found him so cute. "Right, well man, what would you like to do until your cousin gets back?" Josie asked

Nik reached his hand out for Josie to take, and she did. He kissed her hand and attempted a smirk "we can talk about you and my cousin, are you two dating?" Nik asked

Josie shook her head before she slowly took her hand back. "No, you're cousin doesn't like me like that, but we are really good friends." Josie assured with a smile.

" would never date cousin Hope?" He asked with a pout.

Josie smiled and shook her head "I never said I wouldn't, I just said we are good friends, besides, my father is a very bad man and he won't let it happen."

Nik raised his eyebrow before he walked over to get his toy boxing gloves. "I can beat him up! What did he do?" Nik asked as he put them on.

Josie giggled "it's nothing you can do Nik, not even I can do something about it, he thinks it's an iniquity and my father is religious and stuff.." Josie admits sadly.

"What's that word? I'm not that smart." Nik pouts.

"Of course you are, you can hold a decent conversation, more than your cousin." Josie assured

Hope walked down stairs and she crossed her arms. "I take all offense!" She rolled her eyes.

Nik chuckled before he grabbed Josie's arm and pulled her into the kitchen. "I was wondering if you can help me make cupcakes for mommy and mama!" He cheered

Josie nodded "of course I can buddy, that's only if your cousin agrees, I wouldn't want to intrude." Josie says before she looked up at Hope.

Nik begged with his eyes "please hopey! Please!" He begged.

Josie tilted her head "fine, but as long as you guys clean your mess and don't cause any fire alarms, we should be good." Hope says before she grabbed her water and left.

Josie looked over at the young boy and she smiled before they started getting ready to bake.


It was about 45 minutes later and Hope found herself bored out of her mind, she was laying on her bed but slightly hanging off.

She had read a few pages of 'The gravity between us' it wasn't her usual type to read but she heard from maya that it was a very good book.

She haven't heard much giggles coming from downstairs so she put the book mark in the book and got up from her bed.

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