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The next morning was a start of a new day. This day meant that Hope had to start making her way to New Orleans like she promised herself, she needed to know if Josie was staying there or going with her, the brunette already traveled last night, who said Josie wanted to travel some more?

Hope was the first to wake up, she called her service staff up to bring her food and she called in with Alison and told her that she would be back soon and checked up on a few things.

In the meantime, the auburn haired girl was feeding melio. "Come on buddy!" Hope called out as the dog came running.

Josie stood in the door entrance and she yawned. "Good morning, sleepyhead." Hope whispered not even turning her gaze to Josie.

"How did you know I was here?" The brunette asked

Hope smiled and then turned to face her wife. "I heard your yawn, and because I smelt the fresh scent of cocoa butter, with an hint of vanilla bean.." Hope bit her bottom lip to hold back the smile that was already formed. "I'm guessing you showered with that last night?" Hope asked in an almost whisper.

Josie nodded and raised her eyebrow. "I did, how did you know?"

"It's my favorite scent, i also brought you that for Christmas in high school, I'm assuming you loved it so much that you never really gave up on the smell." Hope looked down at melio who was still eating.

Soon Josie's phone started to ring, and she picked it up. "Hello? Who is this?" She asked

Josie eyes widen and then sighed "Brayden. Hi?" Josie says before turning around to make her way back to hopes room.

The auburn haired girl raised her eyebrow, the door bell rung and she opened the door to get the food before she followed after her wife.

"No, it's all my fault, you tell your mother not to kill you." Josie assured as she tugged a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I wanted to know if you were still coming to the whole Christmas thing that we planned, I already booked us a flight and I have no one else to go with." Brayden admits. "I was wondering if you could go with me." Brayden asked

Josie ran her fingers through her hair "you want me to go with you and visit your mom.. for Christmas?" Josie wanted to know if she was hearing this right.

Hope cleared her throat. "The answer is no." Hope says as she crossed her arms.

Josie eyes shot over to the older girl and she nodded. "Uhh Brayden I don't think that would be a-"

"Please! This would mean a lot to my family and my mom, you don't even have to pretend to be with me.. you could just say we're friends, because that's what we are, right?" He questioned

Josie sighed "us being friends wouldn't be a bad idea, but I can't spend this Christmas with you, Brayden."

"Or any other Christmas." Hope says before she took the phone out of Josie's hands. "Don't call her phone again, you can't be her best friend, you can't be her friend, you can't even be in a room with her, so stop asking." Hope hung up and went to Brayden contact to delete it.

Josie sighed and pointed her hand out "can I get my phone back?" Josie asked

Hope nodded "yup." She says before she handed Josie the phone.

"I could have handled that."

Hope chewed on her bottom lip "I know, but this urge to claim what is mine was just raging to get out." Hope admits.

Josie sighed "me and his mom are close you know? It would hurt her if I didn't make it." The brunette admits

The shorter girl shrugged "she's old, I'm sure her daily back pain hurts more than you not being there, she'll get over it."

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