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A certain brunette walked into her hotel room to see Brayden having a party in there—not an actual party—but an party.

"Hey babe, I think it's time we have some fun, maybe spice it up a bit." Brayden says as he took a sip of his beer and then ripped off his pants.

Josie palmed her face. She was hoping that he was drunk because there was no way that she could look at him the same if he wasn't.

"Okay Brayden, I think it's time we talked for just a moment." The brunette says as she placed her bag on the side of her chair.

Brayden ran over to Josie and he shook his head "No, No, No, less talking" he pulled her in "more kissing." He says before he pecked Josie on the lips.

Josie moved her face so he couldn't be able to kiss her again. "We need to talk Brayden."

Brayden groaned "please don't tell me we are going to talk about some bullshit, I've been nothing but a nice and good boyfriend to you and if this is what I think this is then-"

"I'm married." Josie said simply like it was the most normal thing in the world to say.

Brayden chuckled "okay, enough with the jokes, can we please just kiss already?" Brayden asked as he raised his eyebrows

"Brayden you aren't taking me serious, I'm married to hope, remember that girl from last night? We got married.. last night.." Josie admits

Brayden scoffed "well then divorce her."

"It's not that simple, I think I have to wait a week or so, then it will be finalized, that's if we plan on getting a divorce."

"What do you mean—if—you will get the divorce, I don't want to date no married women." Brayden scoffed

Josie took a deep breath "well then don't date a married women." The brunette crossed her arms.

The tall boy nodded "what do you mean?" He asked

Josie took a deep sigh and then walked over to the hotel bed and sat down. "I think maybe we should break up, I'm not feeling it and this isn't working."

Brayden stormed over to her and he got all up in her face. "Oh that's bullshit, you haven't been feeling me this whole week and I'm sure has to do with your now wife, that's fucked up because I gave you nothing but my heart and you play me by cheating on me! Screw you!" Josie jumped up and pushed him back.

"Oh shut up, you act like I don't know the stuff you've done without me being home, I might have over did it and got married but I was drunk, you did things sober and drunk, we aren't the same. Listen this is feeling toxic and I've had one toxic relationship before, I don't want to deal with another." Josie assured before opening up the door.

"I think you should go and never come back, this relationship has been over since the day I drunkenly said 'I do' and it's not your fault but this all should just end. I wish you nothing but the best." Josie sadly says before Brayden walks to the door.

"but I love you.." that wasn't a lie, he's never been able to say those words before and he really meant them when he said it.

Josie sighed and she felt guilty. "don't love me. Loving me only brings you heartbreak and a disaster of a life. Love someone else who can love you as much as you love them and like I said I'm sorry."

The tall boy nodded and stormed out, he was heartbroken.

Josie felt so guilty because she knew he didn't deserve that.


Josie: Brayden and I broke up but that doesn't mean I want to work things out with you so don't get all happy :(

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