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Hope found herself glancing over at Josie many times as she tried to focus on finding her a shirt, but also, she couldn't, her mind completely drifted back to what they previously did.

The auburn-haired girl was starting to get a sense that maybe Josie likes her, or maybe not, it was a wild shot to assume someone liked you, but Josie's been acting different.

Josie looked over to meet eyes with the older girl and Hope immediately turned around. Her face heated from embarrassment as she grabs one of her shirts.

"Uh, it might be small but if you wear that and cover it up with the jacket, you'll be fine." Hope says as she handed Josie the shirt. The shorter girl avoided eye contact because she knew how that made her feel.

Josie took the shirt and she chewed on her bottom lip. Josie then took off her shirt and Hope felt her nerves increasing.

The brunette set aside the shirt and put on hopes—offered—shirt. "Thank you for this Hope, I've had the best day that I can possibly have."

Hope shook her head "we stayed in this house all day, how could you possibly have the best day you could ever have?" Hope raised a brow.

Josie smiled as she looked down because she found the floor so interesting now. "I was able to spend some time with you." Josie muttered

Hood could hardly hear her, the shorter girl stepped up and raised her chin. "Jo, I could hardly hear you." Hope admits sadly.

Josie raised her head up a little to see hope, she felt heat take over her face, it was the same move she did on Hope yet it felt so comforting when it was Hope to do it.

"I said ..I was able to spend time with you, so that's why I had an amazing day, and I can't wait for our adventure tomorrow because I love spending time with you." Josie smiled

Hope sighed and shook her head "we need to talk about this whole thing with your father and your boyfriend, you can't keep trying to push that talk away because you aren't ready, I need to know where you stand."

"What do you mean where I stand?" Josie raised an bow before she shifted her weight onto her left side.

"Where do you stand in this relationship? What are you doing here Josie because you have me all types of confused." Hope admits with a short sigh following right after.

Josie let out a dry chuckle and shook her head "what relationship hope? Do you mean as friends? Because that's what we are, I've been telling you this for the longest." Josie muttered.

Hope nodded her head and chewed on her bottom lip. "You are such a star Josie, I mean i should have known that people like you go around kissing their friends as a sign of friendship, do you fuck your friends as well?" Hope asked as she walked over to the door.

Josie was a bit confused on why there was a change in hope's attitude. "Hope, we didn't kiss, ever, that neck thing.. forget about it, and all those other times.. I'm not the girl that you want me to be."

"The girl that I want you to be!—No you mean you're a girl that hide yourself because you're too much of a coward to come out. You're too scared because you care what people thinks, and to tell you the truth, you have every right to be that way you're your own person just like everyone else is their own person, but what you don't get to do is act like things don't happen with a meaning, back down there in that kitchen, we were like this couple—"

"No, we were just being silly the way friends are.. stop trying to get me to admit to something that isn't true." Josie scoffed

Hope nodded her head "if it wasn't true you wouldn't have used the word admit , I mean it's your life Josie, and I can't blame you for being scared because not everyone's background and family is the same as others so they can't just come out willingly when they want, but you will not lead me on, I won't let you and I'm not going to. I don't even know if I can be your friend, watching you get hurt by a guy that only keeps hurting you while I'm here, and I can do so much better." Hope looked down at her fidgeting fingers.

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