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Everything was finally falling under the right path, it's been weeks since Josie and Hope had an argument, of course their last argument was just about who was cuter but that didn't matter because right now they were good.

Josie had finally came up with the solution that she would try the long distance thing with her wife.

Hope was all against it and stuff but she didn't say that. She didn't speak on it because she didn't want another argument and she knew how Josie felt.

The auburn haired girl knew that she wouldn't want to spend time away from her family.

Hope felt bad because even though she wanted Josie to be with her, and living in her now empty apartment with her, the mikaelson girl knew that it was selfish and unfair to keep Josie miles away from where she grew up and most of all, her family.

So, that leads to today. The brunette is back in mystic falls with her sister and family, while Hope is working.

These were the consequences as adults and they needed to be handled.

Let's face it, both Hope and Josie knew that their life wouldn't be all cupcakes and rainbows.

"Hey ms.mikaelson, I got a call from Mrs.mikaelson on the other line, would you like to take the call back in your office?" Alison asked as she raised her eyebrow.

The auburn haired girls face heated up. "I will be taking the call in my office, thank you." Hope assured before turning to her business associates.

They all looked very confused before Hope simply ran to her office and shut the door, she looked around before closing her blinds and running over to her phone.

"Hello, Hope mikaelson, speaking." Hope grinned.

There was a light chuckle. "I'm sorry I must have the wrong number, I'm calling for my wife, if you get a hold of her, tell her I miss her." Josie voice was laced with extreme sarcasm.

"Oh I'm sure she misses you very much." There was a pause for a moment. "I'm sure this wife of yours is irrelevant, you need someone like me." Hope voice matched Josie's sarcasm.

"No way, have you seen my wife? She's so beautiful, and don't get me started on her body, god it's amazing." Josie says as she chewed on her bottom lip.

Hope rolled her eyes "so you're only with this wife of yours for how she looks?" She questioned.

"God no. The looks is a huge bonus, but her heart, and the way she loves, it's so freaking amazing. Wait until you meet her, she has the mind of a goddess and the best thing about it all.." Josie trailed off as she opened up the door to hope's office. "She's the best person I know and I'm freaking in love her." She sighed before hopes face lit up.

The auburn haired girl dropped her phone and she ran to hug Josie. "Oh my god, I've missed you." She muttered into the crook of Josie's neck as the taller girl leaned down a bit. "And I freaking love you too."

Josie smiled before she leaned down and pecked Hope on the lips. "Who are you and what have you done with my non-sentimental wife?"

Hope smiled and wrapped her arms around Josie's waist as she pressed her a bit closer together. "I don't know, do you want her back?" Hope asked in a joking matter.

Josie shook her head "how about I get you all in one." Josie pulled away for a moment and walked over to lock hopes office door.

"What did you have in mind, mrs.mikaelson?" Hope questioned as she raised her eyebrow.

Josie only smirked before she slowly unzipped her jacket. She looked over her shoulder and she grinned before looking back over to Hope.

The auburn haired girl only smiled to give point where her face was heated. "I don't think doing these things in my office would be such a good idea." Hope admits as she eyed Josie.

Josie was revealed in some comfortable black leggings. She had on a black bra to match it. "Why not? Is this not adventurous enough for you?" The taller girl asked as she looked down at her outfit "or do I not look good enough for the occasion?" Josie questioned

Hope walked over to Josie and pulled her down for a kiss before turning them over to back up against hopes desk.

Josie hands held onto the back of her wife's neck. She felt hopes warm hands pull them closer as it lingered onto Josie's hips.

Moans left out of the younger girls mouth but low and soft. Hope pulled back as Josie slid onto hopes counter. "You look so fucking amazing." Hope muttered before she pulled Josie back in for a kiss.

Hope moved directly in between Josie's legs as she nibbled at a spot on Josie's wide and exposed neck as Josie gasped and looked up.

When Josie looked up she saw there was a mirror on the ceiling. Josie watched Hope as the auburn haired girls placed marks all over her skin.

Hope cleared her desk off as she laid Josie down. Their lips kept moving in sync as she Hope climbed up and on top of Josie.

She started to unclasp Josie's bra as she paused for a moment. "Is this.. okay?" She questioned as she searched her wife's eyes:

Josie nodded "yes, it's more than okay." She muttered before reaching up to connected her lips with Hope again.


Here they were, finally getting some where.

Josie was completely naked and Hope still had just her underwear to taken off.

The shorter girl moved up a bit and let her fingers circle around Josie's area. It sent actual heat waves through out Josie's body and she closed her eyes shut tight.

She pushed her fingers in just a bit before hearing a loud gasp from her wife. Josie's eyes widen and she looked up to see the mirror again. The brunette quickly shut her eyes as hopes started to move her fingers back and forth in a slower motion.

Josie wrapped her legs around Hope as if she could push hopes fingers more deeper herself. "Want me to go faster?" The auburn haired girl asked.

Whimpers left the taller girls mouth and she nodded. "y-yes." Josie gasped again as Hope did pick up quite the pace.

Josie clenched her eyes shut as Hope leaned up a bit and pecked her lips. "I need you to open up your eyes." Hope whispered.

Josie shook her head "Hope...Hope I can't." She muttered as she gasped because Hope picked up the pace some more.

With a grin lingering to her lips, Hope placed a soft kiss around the edges of Josie's chin. "Please.. I want you to see yourself." Hope muttered.

Josie slowly opened her eyes "fuck." Josie gasped when Hope started to press heated kisses and more bruises to her wife's body.

The shorter girl paused for a moment and looked up at the mirror and then back at Josie. "You look so pretty." Hope whispered as she moved a string of hair out of Josie's face.

"My hairs a mess." Josie frowned before another gasp let out.

"You look amazing," she paused for a moment "you always look so fucking amazing." Hope muttered.

That was the last straw before Josie pressed her lips against hopes once again.

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