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In class Hope held her head down. She was not feeling the whole thing with school and if she was being honest with herself than she would say that she didn't even want to be in class ever if she had to deal with this disgusting image.

Landon sat by Josie and he wrapped his arms around Josie. Josie smiled at him before turning back to her paper.

Hope felt like she needed to throw up. The girl felt the urge to just hit Landon up-side his head with a glass bottle but she didn't. That would get her in trouble anyways.

The auburnette raised her arm up "yes ms.mikaelson?" The teacher asked as he turned his gaze over to the young girl.

"May I be excused to the bathroom Mr.Reynold?" Hope asked as the teacher just simply nodded. "Thank you" Hope says before she ran out of there.

Josie on the other hand turned to see the girl already out of the door. The brunette frowned. Josie raised her hand and asked to go to the bathroom but the teacher said "you would have to wait until ms.mikaelson come back" he said before he walked over to his desk.

"I really have to go!" Josie stood up from her seat. Landon pulled her back down and glared her.

"You're embarrassing me!" He yelled in a whisper.

Josie moved the boys hands from her and got up. "Please" she begged with her eyes.

The teacher sighed and nodded "but be back very quickly" he says before Josie ran off with a smile.

When Josie got to the bathroom, she saw Hope already leaving back out. The taller girl took hopes arm and pulled Hope back into the bathroom. She closed the door and brought Hope back into the bathroom.

"What's going on Josie?" Hope asked as she raised her eyebrow.

The brunette chewed on her bottom lip before she looked over at the bathroom stalls.

She walked over to them and looked under them to see if anyone was still in there. The brunette didn't want anyone to overhear their conversation.

After Josie was done and sure that there was no one in there she turned to face a confused, Hope who furrowed a brow.

"What's this about Josie? We have classes and this will be a big waste of time." Hope arms clasped behind her body as she tilted her head a little.

Josie sighed "I saw that you were in a rush to get out of the classes, I was just wondering why" Josie frowns a bit.

Hope smirked "is Josette Saltzman worrying about me? Should I be worried?" Hope asked with the smirk still lingering her lips

Josie rolled her eyes "I'm always worried about a friend." Josie admits before bringing Hope into a hug. The auburnette raised her eyebrow and slowly hugged back.

"What's this for?" Hope asked as she started to feel Josie tighten the hug.

"I really needed this.." Josie paused for a moment "I'm sorry if I invaded your personal space." Josie says as she began to pull away.

Hope pulled Josie back in and tighten the hug that they could feel heat waving through out their body. "It's okay.. I haven't had a hug in a while, and this feels really nice" Hope admits as she closes her eyes.

Josie melted into the hug before they slowly pulled away. "Thank you for this" Josie cupped hopes face and smiled. "I really love Mg, but you are truly my bestest friend ever" Josie muttered as her eyes glossed with the light shinning in her eyes.

Hope couldn't help herself. She moved her hand down a little bit so they were on Josie's waist before she pulled her body away.

Josie wanted to say something but she didn't instead their moment was ruined by Lizzie walking in glaring at Hope.

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