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It was Sunday and Josie woke up with nothing but a smile. She was super happy that morning, and to her surprise Hope was in her room. The brown haired girl's memory was refreshed when she felt the warmth body she was laying on.

Josie looked over to really see hope and she couldn't help but smile brighter. The brunette was really enjoying these moments for the most part.

Soon there was some movement downstairs and Josie was Just going to go back to sleep but she realized what day that was and that only meant that her father was there.

Josie sat up, as fast as she could and she tried waking up Hope. She tried shaking, she tried whisper-yelling, but nothing seemed to work.

The younger girl decided that she was going to just try and pull Hope up. Trying this method got the two in a awkward situation.

Josie pulled Hope up but Hope unconsciously pushed Josie's hands off and flipped her over to the bed with her arms above her head. Hope finally opened her eyes and her eyes widen as she quickly let go. "I'm so sorr-" Hope was cut off when Josie covered her mouth.

"Are you up, Josette?" Both girls heard Alaric question from downstairs.

Hope understood why Josie covered her mouth but she was still sitting on Josie. If anyone were to walk in on them they would most definitely think that they were getting a little Intimate, and personal.

Josie still hadn't notice their position and she just kept her hands on hopes mouth as she looked into hopes eyes and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm up dad! I'm getting ready for church!" Josie lied, she knew she shouldn't have lied about, what Alaric would say, the fathers house, but it was a good lie and the truth would only be worse.

"Okay! Hurry up! Landon said he would meet us there!" Alaric yelled before both girls heard the house door slam shut.

Hope couldn't stop smiling at the thought of what her and the squad had did last night to Landon and Josie on the other hand didn't know why she was. The brunette removed her hand and cupped hopes face. "What has you smiling?" Josie asked

Hope shrugged before looking down to remember that they were still in each other's space. The shorter girl's legs were still on each side of Josie and their bodies were pretty close but it was only because when Josie sat up to cover hopes mouth, she leaned in closer than she wanted.

"I just smile a lot when I'm around you, it's weird" that wasn't a total lie, although it wasn't what she was smiling at.

Josie blushed a bit "does that have something to do with me being the bestest friend ever?" The taller girl asked.

Hope put her hand up to her chin and put on her thinking face. "Mm, let me think" Hope says before Josie playfully pushed her. Hope let out a giggle. "As much as I would hate to admit this.. you are one of the best friends I've ever met" Hope admits.

"Okay, now that we have that established, I think we should get up and you need to make a leaving exit, because you can't use the front door." Josie explained

Hope nodded "that's why there is a back door for me to use." Hope admits before she climbed off of Josie. The brunette frowned. "I'll see you later" Hope admits before she grabbed her stuff and made her way out of the house.

Josie pushed herself back into the pillows and put the covers over her face. All the young brunette could do was smile and enjoy the moment she just experienced with her friend.

Thoughts did finally flood through Josie's mind, her mind didn't want the thoughts to be there but they were and she was more than happy to have them.

Well happy enough until her father had told her to hurry up. The girl wasn't even dressed. She threw the cover off her face and sat up. Today was either going to be great or terrible, no in between.

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