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"FUCK YOU LANDON!" Josie yelled as she looked through her dresser.

"I'm sorry." Landon muttered as he stood at the door.

The brunette shook her head. "No you aren't Landon." The brunette looked over at Landon. "You aren't sorry, you've never been sorry, you came here to ruin my life and I know you did."

"What?" Landon scoffed

"Tell me Landon.. your mother did this bullshit once before right?"

"Yes but-"

"Did you see the body?" Josie asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Landon shook his head. "No but I-"

"Good, now get the fuck out of my house, I don't ever want to see you again! I hate you, I fucking hate you for ruining my life!" Josie yelled as she hit her hand on the table. Josie groaned in pain as she held onto her hand. "Fuck"

"Let me help you.." Landon says before he walked up to Josie. The brunette pushed Landon away. "You're such a little brat!" Landon scoffed "everything that I do, I do it for you!"

"So you fall in love with my dad, for me?" Josie asked

"Oh please, you've fell in love with hope, so that makes us even, now you can stop being a difficult women, and just be with me for the time being, we already planned our future, remember our kids you wanted us to have?" Landon smiled.

—Josie didn't return the smile, she scoffed and pushed Landon back. "I think you should get the hell out of my house, before I call the cops. That tape got leaked which means you admitted to an open investigation, the cops could be arresting you for murder right about now." Josie says as she applied pressure onto her bruised hand.

Landon chuckled "you wouldn't do it, you love me too much. Come on Josie, we're toxic, this is our mojo, you know? We fall in love and then fall back out of love, this time when we get back together, we both don't have to be in love but it will work for the benefit of both of us."

"How the fuck is that helping me? I don't want anything to do with you!"

Landon bursted out laughing. "Sure, but Hope already thinks something is going on and I don't know if you know who.. Julie is, but we're close, close enough for her to know hopes personal secrets, I don't know if you want this to get out, but.." Landon stepped up to Josie and whispered something into her ear.

Josie eyes widen "NO!" Josie yelled and pushed him back once again. "You leave her alone, you unloved fuck!" Josie yelled.

Landon smirked "think about it sweetheart."

Stefan ran upstairs and opened the door up, he ran over to Landon. "Get the fuck out of my house! Don't you ever come near my daughter!" Stefan yelled

Landon grinned a bit and fixed Stefan's collar "aww stefy, she's not your daughter," he patted Stefan's cheek. "I hope you don't get to stressed in the step parent role." Landon says before he walked over to the door. "I know you won't hurt me Stefan, that'll be jail time for you buddy.. hurting a minor, but I'll tell my mother you guys said hi." He winked

Josie stormed up to him and punched the shit out of him. Josie groaned more in pain because her hand was seriously bruised.

Josie looked down at Landon and smirked "call the cops, I'm sure they would love for you to hand yourself in, now get your ass out of here, if anything happens to Hope, I will kill you." Josie knelt down. "That's a warning." Josie says before lifted back up and she stepped over Landon's body before she ran down to Lizzie's room.

Josie used her free and unbruised hand and knocked at the door. "Lizzie! I need a ride!" Josie yelled.

Lizzie opened the door as she fixed her shirt. "Listen.. I'm a little busy with Jen but-" Lizzie was cut off when she saw the brunettes hand. "What the hell, what happened to your hand?" Lizzie asked

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