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While Hope has been gone.. things weren't rolling in Josie's favor, the brunette had to suffer the rumors from the school and from home.

Landon Kirby wasn't making Josie's life any easier than it is, he was bothering the shit out of her, and that's mainly why Josie couldn't do anything.

Other people would have thought that it would be easier to just cut Landon out of their life.. but it wasn't, Landon knew Josie which mean he knew everything about her, that's what made the relationship so damn toxic.

Of course Lizzie and Jen didn't like the whole idea of this so they were already plotting on taking Landon down, there was no way in hell that he was living after making her life a living hell.

Lizzie plan was to cut his you know what off.. but Jen of course stopped her, that would be jail time for her anyways.

Hope on the other hand wasn't living as good as she hoped she would, her school was giving her a hard time because they saw her as some freak.

Some brown curly haired boy might have been the reason for all of this but Hope didn't know it, the auburn haired girl barley paid attention to most of what was going around these days.

Josie: *wants to send you a message*

Hope looked down at her phone before she put it to the side. She turned the phone off and she turned the tv off, she needed a good nights rest if she was going to put up with the shit with school.

Of course this all went down the drain when hopes mom knocked at the door. "Hope, Josie's calling for you and she wanted to know if you were alright." Hayley admits.

Hope groaned and put the pillow over her face, she wanted to scream into but then again, that would be wasting her breath.

The auburn haired girl took the pillow off of her face to see her mom already walking into the room. "Tell her I'm fine and to leave me be, I'm busy with school and I want nothing to do with mystic falls, and especially her." Hope groaned.

Hayley nodded "okay." Hayley says before taking out her phone. "Hello, Josie?" Hayley asked


Hope eyes widen and shook her head as her mother smiled.

"I'm here with Hope now, she said she misses you a lot and it's just really hard talking to you." Hayley assured

Hope got up and tried to take the phone from her mom but Hayley moved out of the way. "I miss her too.. and I understand that she doesn't want to talk to me but can you at least tell her that I hope she's really okay." Josie voice was low.

Hayley nodded "yea, I'll tell her.. she'll be happy to know that you still care about her." The older brunette responded as Hope tried to get the phone once again.

"And can you... uhh, tell her to take care of herself, and tell her that I love h-" Josie was cut off when Hope took the phone.

"Hi Josie.. this Hope, everything that my mom said wasn't true.. I mean yeah I miss you but if you think it's weird to miss you then I don't.. not that I don't want to miss you it's just I don't want you to feel uncom-"

"Hope.. it's fine, I'm just glad that you are okay.. you know you can call me anytime you want, I'll always will be here for you." Josie admits sadly.

Hope sighed as she sat down on her bed. "I would love to tell you how I am but I don't think it would be a good idea.. you know because then we will have to balance out our time zones and it can get pretty confusing for you to be let back in my life." Hope made up an excuse.

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