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Hope sighed as she sat back in her chair. "What the hell jen? I'm not going to your wedding, so don't even ask the answer is no." The auburn haired girl assured.

"Listen, ok, my fiancé and I think that you should really show up. We missed you and Lizzie will kill me if you don't." Jen begged.

Hope sighed "I will have to see if I could be there, people have jobs and I can't just take a last minute week off." The auburn haired girl scratched her nose.

The red haired girl sighed once again. "I really need you to be able to make it, I'll even pay for your plane ticket." Jen offered.

Hope scoffed "I can pay for my own shit, I'll be there okay? Can you leave me alone now?" The auburn haired was getting irritated.

Jen smiled "of course, I know you got to get to making your money so I'm not going to get in the way of that, have a wonderful day." Jen says before hanging up.

The red haired girl was happy at her success. She walked towards Lizzie and kissed her on the cheek. "I did it, I got everyone that you wanted to come." Jen assured

Lizzie was happy, she was finally making progress and living up to her word.


The auburn haired girl sighed and sat down at the chair and she sorted through her information.

Hope didn't know why she agreed to the whole going to the wedding thing, it was stupid, she knew she wasn't going to last even a few seconds there.

Josie would be there! Fuck. Why would Hope agree to something like that.

Hope took out her phone and she sent a text over to Jen.

Hope: what color do I have to wear?

Jen: Lizzie wanted it to be pink and white. So you could wear either colors.

Hope nodded and placed her phone down. "ALLISON!" Hope called her assistant.

Allison ran into the room "yes, ms.mikaelson?" The girl asked

The auburn haired girl stacked up some papers. "I'm going out of town for the week, and I need to start shopping today, so can you please hold back all appointments and handle our daily clients." Hope picked up her bag. "Will you be able to be in charge, while I'm gone?"

Allison nodded her head really fast. "I would love to do this for you." Allison smiled.

Hope crossed her arms because she was starting to second guess this but she did let it slide.


—Las vegas, nevada—

"I don't think this is the right place for kids." Josie looked around the hotel that had plenty of casino games in the main entrance.

Lizzie rolled her eyes as Jen walked in with Jenna sleeping with her head rested on her mama's shoulder.

"Jenna isn't going to be spending her time here, tonight is the last night that we are spending time together before the wedding so you know what that means." Lizzie smirked.

Brayden struggled to bring the bags in but no one chose to help him.

"So we'll get 2 rooms, separate rooms for the rest of the week," Jen pointed out.

Josie groaned in disgust, "me and Brayden will get our own room."

Lizzie and Jen exchanged looks and then Lizzie shook her head, "uh no Josie, we were thinking you could stay in the room with Jenna." The blonde frowned.

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