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The auburn haired girl paced around the room like she was going insane—scratch that.. she was insane.

"She's never going to forgive me, I told her we can just be friends and then boom, I go and get sexual!" Hope yelled and groaned.

Maya ate out of her bag of m&ms and popcorn. "It's going to be fine, I'm sure she thinks you meant nothing by the activities." Maya assured as she turned up the tv.

Hope stormed over to the tv and shut it off, "no, we've kissed, never on the lips but we've kissed other parts of each other body.. I know it sounds weird but when you're in the action it's not weird." Hope admits.

Maya groaned. "So what's the whole problem here?"

"I kissed Josie on her hip!" Hope trailed her fingers through her hair out of stress and then groaned once again.

Maya smiled and popped another m&m in her mouth. "This might just be better than 'love & hip hop,' please continue on, you have my whole and undivided attention. So, what happened after you kissed the hip?" Maya grinned

Hope shook her head "I played it off as something dorky that I would do, and then I got out of the car and went to the front seat-"

"You both were in a car.. alone... in the back fucking seat and the only thing that happened was you kissing on her hip? Out of all places, why her hip?" Maya shook her head and sat back before eating some popcorn.

Hope sighed "she had this mark, I would say stretch marks, and she got tensed when I touched them, as if she was insecure about it, or didn't favor them as much, and I wanted to let her know that every inch of her body was amazing and that she shouldn't feel insecure especially not about something that is so beautiful" Hope looked up at maya and frowned "I want her to get a grip and realize that she's beautiful and every part of her is."

Maya put her popcorn and m&ms to the side and she got up from hopes bed. "Aw, poor little hopey is head over hills." Maya pulled the shorter girl in for a hug.

Hope shook her head "I'm not head over hills, I just.. I want her to see what I see."

"And that is?" Maya asked as she pulled away from the hug.

Hope started to pout. "How amazing she is, and I know I sound pathetic but I like her a lot, friendly way or not." Hope plopped onto her bed. "I just don't know why the universe is always against Hope mikaelson, like what did I ever do to them?"

Maya pulled her lip into a thin line and sat on the bed next to Hope. "It'll be okay hope, I promise."

"We don't make promises we can't keep," Hope says as she looked over at maya.

"Exactly. That's why I promise you, you'll be with saltzman, and you two will get married, and have that one fancy house that every famous New York couple have, and your wedding story would be unbelievable that you barley had remembered the night before."

"And who said we'll be like those famous couples? And living in New York?" Hope asked

Maya smiled before she reached over to get her popcorn. "Well I just always dreamt that you would live there, who knows, maybe Josie will keep your ass here in mystic falls." Maya smirked

"HOPE!" Klaus yelled from downstairs.

"Oh no..I hope he didn't remember us having to talk." Hope groaned


"Hey Josie, how are you today?"

"I'm fine mr.William." Josie assured as she sat back in the small weird ranged couch.

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